Chapter 21 - To Have And To Hold

Start from the beginning

"Just like some people I know. Sincere word of advice, honey. Watch this one like a hawk and don't take any of her crap...."

Mel's eyes narrowed as she squinted over my shoulder. Before I can turn my head to see who she's shooting daggers at? Norman bounced his way back to us.

"Now don't go getting jealous, ladies. I just gotta spread the love to some very special girls. I'll be right back."

He planted another smacker on my head before heading over to the rope line. Crouched down and started taking pics with a bunch of giggling six year old's.

They're all dolled up as mini-ghouls and he hammed it up with them. Lying down so they can growl and climb all over him.

"I'll catch up with you more at dinner, but I just can't wait until then to say this. I think what you're doing for Norm and Mingus is....Oh I just don't have words for it."

"Thank you, Fin. He's such an amazing friend and not just to me. Seeing him go through what he has recently? I can't begin to tell you how grateful we all are that you're helping him out."

I'm swept up again in her embrace and her shaky whisper makes its way into my ear.

"You're our friend now too, honey. Don't you ever  forget that."

I don't trust my mouth to respond. Know if I open it, I'll probably burst into tears. So I simply nod my head and bite the inside of my lips to stop them wobbling.

Norman told me she's very special and he wasn't exaggerating. I just wasn't expecting such unconditional and wholehearted acceptance straight up.

"FIN!  Thank heavens I found you! Oh, sweets....don't you look gorgeous? C'mon with me and I'll get some intro's going with the other WAGs, while this lot do their stuff."

Mel blew me a kiss before Gael dragged us inside the arena. Starts reeling off names while I try hard to keep up with matching them to faces.


The relative peace inside the green room is a soothing balm after the frantic hubbub of outside.

It isn't long before Gael, myself and Joana find some seats in a quiet corner. And I'm officially welcomed as the newest member of the 'Footy'  club.

No. Not rugby, soccer....or even Aussie rules.

In this one? The heels come off for a few blissful minutes. As traumatised soles and tootsies are massaged back to life before the next round starts.

And we're doing just that when I have my first epiphany....


I'm pretty sure Norman won't kick up too much of a fuss. If I wear Ugg boots to red-carpet events from now on?

The second?

Mel is bang-on right! Big undies are a deffo from now on. No more surreptitious tweaks to try and retrieve taut string from my clacker.

The third isn't so much as an epiphany. But a gradual realisation that repeatedly twists my heart inside out.

He's absolutely and completely beyond terrified?

Norman has just returned from his third smoke in less than twenty minutes. Started up four conversations then reeled away from each, barely ten seconds later. Picked up numerous glasses of scotch only to put them down again elsewhere, hardly touched.

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now