Go Back - 20

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Tom gasped dramatically, "You can't swear like that in public!" He crossed his arms and looked around. "Nobody knows, and if they do, then they know because they swear too." Tord snickered. A calm silence took over the cafe as the sun rose outside. It was nearing the afternoon and there was yet much work to be done back at the base. "We should head back, I've got papers I need to attend to..." The Norski began.

"Takk." Tom smiled and prepared his drink to go. "Hm?" Tord questioned the smaller one's thanks. "Thank you... for taking care of me. I don't know how I would've made it without you in this place." He blushed and looked to the side, making the smug leader grin. "You're too sweet, and I went through something similar so I know it can be tough... I just felt some gratuitous need to protect you." He chuckled calmly and they both stood up. Tom gave him a tight hug and didn't let go. 

The leader glanced at the spectators before just giving in and hugging the frail boy back. "I won't be around forever Tom... please don't get too attached to me." He mumbled and took his hand, walking him back outside to the car. "Well I'm not going anywhere." The dark eyed boy said with a jump in enthusiasm. His life was better now, come to think of it. The horned man just nodded and smiled in response, then they made their way back to the base.

 "Patryck what's with these files?" Tord sat down at his desk as the tall Scandinavian hovered over his shoulder to read. "It was sent from a family belonging to a soldier, I suppose they want him back." Pat stumbled with his reading. "Oh, so the usual? I wish they'd understand that-" The leader froze upon opening up the folder. "It's from the Rockwells?" Patryck squinted down at the page with a slight gasp. "Tom's father!" He recognized, something Leader already knew upon opening. "He's going to take Tom back... but supposedly he hates him?" Before getting into a breakdown Tord took a moment to sit back and think.

"He's just going to abuse him." Pat crossed his arms in a motherly fashion. "Tom probably does all the chores around that place, he's a maid for his dad." The leader spat in mere anger. "That's an oddly... sensual way to put it." Pat stuttered a bit. "That might be the case. The day I met that kid he was covered in bruises... something tells me not all of them were from punching and kicking." His voice lowered.

"Why can't he go stay with somebody else then? Some other member of his family?" The uninformed lieutenant looked away with shame, feeling bad for the voided kid as he picked up the papers to read further, but then Tord only continued with his ranting. "And I didn't do shit... if anything I've made him get used to a paradise he'll never have. The fuck am I doing messing around with a kid who isn't even legal?!" He slammed his fists onto his desk and shook his head. "I'm not letting that stupid cunt of a father take him back!"

"This is from last week, seems it got delayed... Tom's due to head back-" The room went dead silent. "When?" The taller Norwegian stood from his desk with a menacing glare. "NO! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" A weary voice shouted from many rooms away. "TODAY!" Tord yelled furiously and ran down the hall, pausing at their bedroom as several importants were trying to guide the kid out. The sly one hesitated to enter the room but rather peeked from the hallway to witness the scene with his suspected lover.

"Kid, we've got your things packed but you're done at this camp. Geez, most people would be thankful." One of the soldiers scoffed and grabbed his arm, and so did the other as they tried to drag him out. It would seem an easy fight, that is until Tom managed to kick one of them in the face with a roundhouse. The leader nearly gasped from the adrenaline seeping through the teenager's vanes. The other soldier visibly panicked and pinned Tom to the wall. Although this act wasn't in any way sexual of course, it prompted Tord to finally enter the scene. Something made him want to help the poor boy, and he wasn't sure why.

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