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AN: I really didn't want to make the epilogue smutty, but it just worked out that way. My brain needs to be rewired. Oh well, here we go.
🍋🍍⚠️ (Mature Content Warning) ⚠️🍍🍋


"Kong, I love you more than words."

"And I love you more than there are stars."

They shared a beautiful kiss, and then they parted ever so slightly staring into each other's eyes.
"Arthit, how much longer are we going to keep staring?"

"I don't know. They always stare for a long time in movies. Why don't you blink first."

"Fine. I really can't hold it anymore."

"Yes! You always win our staring contests."

"That's because you always end up kissing me."

"That's because you always distract me with your lips."

Arthit turns away pouting, crossing his arms with the heart constellation photograph against his chest.

"How is it my fault? You're not really mad are you?"

Arthit ignores Kongpob, and turns further away.

"Arthit, are we fighting on our anniversary? This is a really silly thing to fight about."

Arthit turns back to Kongpob with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Yes, we are. And now we can have make up sex again."

Kongpob facepalms himself.

"Arthit, I really don't think this counts as a real fight. The last one didn't either."

"Well, how are we ever going to have real make up sex if you never fight me. Will it kill you to just say 'no' to me once in a while? Do you have to be so perfect all the time? Why do you always have to be so agreeable?"

"I just don't know how to say 'no' to you. Everything you say is right."

"There, you are doing it again. Kong, you have to stand your ground."

"I guess you are right. I will try not to agree with you then."

Kongpob turns away from Arthit. He starts to reevaluate his life. Did he actually make any of his own choices?

"Kong, are you mad now?"

"Huh?" Kongpob looks up to see Arthit smiling.

"Is this a real fight?" Arthit asks looking hopeful.

"I guess, maybe. But I didn't fight you. You are right again. I should stop agreeing with you all the time."

Arthit sighed shaking his head.

"You can't. I'm too handsome. Who can say 'no' to me? Especially not you. Now, let's go have make up sex."

"Okay." Kongpob follows behind Arthit back to their tent.

"See, you are doing it again. Anyway, I want to try out that air mattress. We can just call it 'anniversary sex' instead of 'make up sex' since we can't seem to fight."

"Let's call it 'wild sex' since we are in the wild." Kongpob suggests.

"Oh, I have the perfect thing. We can use the chocolate syrup I brought for the cake." Arthit backtracks near the campfire to grab the syrup.

Stripping each other down to their birthday suits. Two hungry boys stood there with ridiculous smiles on their faces.

"I'm going first." Arthit announced.

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