Chapter 20

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Arthit's POV

"Arthit! Arthit! Wakeup! Arthit!"


"Arthit! Wakeup! You need to go home."


I covered myself with the bed sheet, pulling it over my head. I'm still sleepy. Kong tried to uncover me, but I'm holding on to the bed sheet with all my strength. He then started to tickle me through the bed sheet. I laughed in fits of giggles with no way of retaliating.

I was twisting and thrashing from side to side laughing so hard. The bed sheet wrapped around me like an egg roll. I was actually trapped.

Kongpob climbed on top straddling me. He pulled the sheet from my head, and peppered kisses all over my face.

"Chup Get up. Chup You need to go home. Chup Before everyone wakes up. Chup"

I answered him with my eyes still closed. I'm not ready to see daylight yet. Why can't the nights be longer? I do all three of my favorite things at night.

I sighed heavily, and reluctantly opened my eyes to my boyfriend blinding me with his signature smile. I would have returned him the favor if it wasn't so damn early.

"Fine. What time is it?"

"It's almost 6."

"Ugh. No wonder why I'm still sleepy. Can't we just snuggle a bit longer?"

I pouted, but Kong just shook his head and kissed my pout.

"You need to go now before Grammy wakes."

I reluctantly got up. I looked down at myself, and then at Kong in his boxer briefs. Yep, too bad. No time.

I sat on the edge of the bed while Kong got me ready. He picked up my t-shirt that was abandoned last night, and put it on me. Then he did the same with my shorts. Standing in front of me, he ran his fingers through my hair trying to fix a few wayward strands.

I hugged him. I love his scent with or without his cologne. I love that we are about the same height. I can lay on his shoulder, and he can lay on mine without either one of us bending down. We fit together like pieces of a puzzle, perfectly connecting with no room for space.

"Hey, you need to go." Kong whispered beside my ear before kissing it.

"Five more minutes."

Holding him, I rocked us side to side.

"No, Arthit. Behave."


I think it's still way too early. Why would anyone want to get up this early for no reason? Kong is just being ridiculous. I quietly made it out of Kong's house.

"Good morning Arthit."

Damn it. I only made it halfway across the yard. I slowly turned around to see my Grammy sitting on the bench near the rose bushes.

"Good morning Grammy. Why are you up so early?"

"Old people can't sleep so much. I used to sleep like a log when I was your age. So, why are you up so early? How come you were at Kongpob's house?"

"Oh, I uh...uh have uh a quiz today. So,..uh we uh were cramming for the quiz. Kong was helping me study, and it got too late, so I fell asleep."

"He is such a wonderful boy. I'm glad you have such a smart and kind friend to help you with your studies. I blame my old age for not being able to visit more. You two are like peas in a pod. I have missed spending time with you two. Do you remember how you would used to eat your ice cream cone really fast, and then cry for his when you were done with yours? He always gave you the rest of his."

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