Chapter 26

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Arthit's POV

Today, is the day that we will tell Grammy. She and Aom will be leaving to go back to Chiang Mai by tomorrow. My mom thinks today will be good because it will give her some time to think, and accept me when she goes back to Chiang Mai.

I had originally wanted to talk to my Grammy alone, but my family felt that it is better that they are there as well in case Grammy doesn't take it too well. Also, my dad wants to show Grammy that our whole family supports me. I don't know what I have done in my past life to deserve such a loving family.

But before we could tackle Grammy, Kong and I had to talk to our dads the other night after talking to our moms. Even though Kong and I knew our dads already knew about us, we still felt that we should talk to them out of respect.


After being teased by our own moms, we snuck back to my room. We were embarrassed beyond words. I can't believe Aunt Nomi said she's going to soundproof our rooms. She really didn't have to say it out loud like that. Although, I secretly hope she does it soon.

"Kongpob, I don't know if I can go to your house ever again."

I plopped down on my bed, and put a pillow over my head.

"Well, I shouldn't be here either then. They might think we are doing something right now. Maybe I should leave now."

I heard Kongpob get up, and I instantly got up, and pulled him down on the bed. He fell over, and I straddled him to keep him in place. I bent down and just hugged him.

"No. I don't want you to leave."

Kongpob tapped my back struggling to breathe.

"Arthit. Arthit. Let go. I can't breathe."

"Oh. Sorry." I loosened up a little, but I still kept him in place.

"Hey, it really wasn't that bad other than the teasing. So, what do you think we should do next?" Kongpob asked.

"I will talk to my Grammy with my mom I guess."

"Arthit, I think I'm going to talk to my dad. Even though mom says he already knows. I feel that it's important to tell him in person."

"Hmm, I guess you are right. I should tell my dad too. Should we do it together or separately?"

"Since we know that they both know already, let's tell them together. It's more efficient, and it'll minimize our suffering."

"Okay. When should we do it?"

"Tonight. Let's get this all over with tonight."

" soon? We are going to have to go through this again?"

Kong didn't answer. Instead, he took out his phone, and texted behind my back.

"Okay, I just texted my dad that I want to talk to him tonight."

"Really? So fast? Should I text my dad too?"

"I guess. Unless, you want to go through it one more time."

"No. I don't want to do that. Let me text my dad, and see if he can meet us at Uncle Kerklai's study later. How's 9pm?"

"Yeah, my dad should be back by then."

So we agonizingly waited to meet our dads. The fact that we knew that they knew made it easier, but still nerve wrecking. We waited in my room until just about time. When we got to Uncle Kerklai's study, we found my dad and Uncle Kerklai engaged in a heated discussion.

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