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"Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home"


*Emily's Point Of View*

"Shawn?" I croaked out, desperately needing water not realising I'd involuntarily pushed the oxygen mask off my mouth and under my chin.

My fingers rubbed over my throat, feeling as dry as sand paper.

"Emily" he whispered, sighing thankfully.

"W-water" I croaked out clawing at my throat, wincing at the feeling of attempting to speak.

He nodded immediately, grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim in the nearby water tank before handing it to me. I feverishly grabbed the cup and downed it instantly, my throat un-tensing and overcoming with a sense of relief.

"Em..." he whispered softly making me look up to him.

He held out a small baby towards me. My eyes instantly widing that I had given birth, everything rushing back to me; from texting Carly and eating ice cream in the back of Shawn's Jeep to seeing my Aunty Tilly and Nannie Ileene.

"Oh my god" I choaked out, tears instantly brimming my eyes. I looked down seeing a beautiful baby girl wrapped up in a pink blanket with a small pink bow wrapped around her tiny head.

"Oh my god" I repeated cradling my child in my hands.

"It's a girl Shawn" I softly said looking up at my future husband who was already crying. This only pushed me over the edge and caused the tears to slide down my cheeks.

"She's so beautiful" I whispered looking back down at her, raising a hand and holding it in front of her hand wishing to gain the same feeling I felt when I was unconscious.

Her tiny fingers instantly wrapped around my finger, tingles and sparks flooding through my body. A small yawn left her mouth making me awe in cuteness.

She was adorable. I made this.

"Have you named her?" I asked curiously.

"No... I wasn't going to without you. No way" He said shaking his head furiously.

"Thank you" I whispered making him stand up and pressed a light kiss to my forehead.

"Come" I whispered sliding to my right to make enough room for Shawn to fit in the bed.

He crawled into the bed, squeezing in beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"What should we name her?" He asked curiously.

I glanced down at her, my eyes running over her soft skin and her tiny features, a name instantly coming to mind.

"How about Skylar?" I replied a small grin evident on my face. His eyes immediately lit up a wide grin rising on his lips.

"Really?" He asked his lips trembling.

I nodded immediately.

"Thank you" he said beginning to cry.

"Hey don't cry" I whispered placing a hand on his cheek, my finger reaching up wipe a tear that had fallen away.

"I'm just so happy. So happy right now. I have everything I'm ever going to need. You and Skylar" he said making my eyes instantly begin to water. 

"I love you" he whispers resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you too" I replied softly looking up in his eyes before pressing my lips against his quickly and softly.

A soft coo came from beneath us making us both look down at the small baby that was looking up at us, a small grin on her mouth before her eyes shut again.

"I wish she would stop sleeping" Shawn whined softly a small frown on his face.

"Shawn. She has to sleep, she's a baby" I said softly giggling at his frown, which soon turned into a small as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked as he continued to stare at me.

"Your beautiful" he whispered smiling lazily at me. I blushed looking down so my hair covered my red cheeks.

Just as Shawn was leaning in and our lips were about to meet, a loud cry replaced the beeping of the hospital machines in the room.

I instantly cradled her head in my arms, rocking her back and forth softly and slowly at a rhythmic pace.

Shawn's voice instantly chimes in making me smile;

"Sweet creature, sweet creature...
Wherever I go, you bring me home...
Sweet creature, sweet creature...
When I run out of road, you bring me home..."

The familiar Harry Styles lyrics flooding my head as my smile grew at the decrease of Skylar's cries until the came to a complete halt and she was sound asleep.

"You're going to be such an amazing dad, Skylar's going to love you every single day of her life. I know it" I said looking up at him.

He grabbed Skylar out of my hands, placing her softly in the small crib they had set up whilst I get some check ups for the next few hours.

"I love that girl so much but I just want some time alone with my other favourite girl" he said softly sliding back into the hospital bed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me softly into his chest.

His left hand reached over to my right one, beginning to play with my small fingers before lacing our fingers together in a clasp.

"I know you weren't... out of it for long - but I really missed you Em" he said lifting our hands up to his lips before pressing them to the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think I was going to pass out. I'm sorry I wasn't here to see the arrival of our daughter" I admitted feeling emotional all of a sudden.

"I'm really sorry" I shakily whispered looking up at him and into his eyes.

"No. Do not apologise. You held that baby for 9 months and once it was time for her to come out you weren't ready. It's a lot of work and pressure for a woman to go through. I know you must feel guilty but don't. You're hear now and so is Skylar, I've never been more excited to start a family with you" He said brushing my hair away from the front of my face and behind my ear before pressing his lips against mine.

"Fuck. I love you so much. You always know what to say" I said beginning to cry.

He pulled me closer into his chest, just letting me cry as he rubbed my back up and down. He knew I needed to just cry and let it all out and I loved him for that.


A/N: sorry I haven't updated. My boyfriend and I broke up/ went on a break recently so I've been a bit occupied

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