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"You & I both know that we disagree
Commonly over something we disguise
There is nothing more, between what's seen
Current emotions get the best of me"


*Emily's Point Of View*

It's been a few days since Shawn and I kissed and things were looking up. He wasn't rude and heartless anymore, a bit standoffish but nothing I couldn't handle. It was as if he completely changed his persona.

I skimmed over the words, entering my mind before leaving straight away. I don't know why I tried to study when I was tired because it was completely useless.

I groaned laying my head in my arms.

"This is fucking pointless" I mumbled to myself.

My head slowly looked up as a light knock could be heard from the other side of my door.

"Yeah?" I called out, pushing my glasses further up my nose as they began to fall down. Yes I wore these geeky glasses when I couldn't be bothered with contacts. I absolutely hated them.

The door opened slightly, my eyebrows furrowing as nothing happened and I began to think some ghost had entered my room when Shawn's head peeled out from the side.

"Hey" He said with a smile.

"Hi" I said sheepishly, it coming out at a more higher pitch then intended.

"Umm. We're running low on food. Wanna' come run down to the store and get some?" He asked making my eyes flicker between my laptop and Shawn.

I shut my laptop before standing up.

"I'll just be a sec" I said before walking into my bathroom and began rummaging through my already messy bathroom cabinet.

"Whatcha' looking for?" A voice said making me squeal in shock as I turned around to see Shawn standing there. An amused look on his face as he chuckled.

I tucked a piece of hair that had fallen out of my messy bun behind my ear quickly. "Uh what?" I asked completely forgetting what he asked.

"What are you looking for?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Um my contacts- ah here they are!" I said turning around finding them in the corner of the vanity.

"You don't need contacts" he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I do if I want to see Shawn" I replied with a giggle.

"Wear your glasses" he said simply as he continued to stare at me through the mirror.

"Uhh. No thanks" I said beginning to take my glasses off.

"Uh Uh" He said taking a step forward reaching out to push my glasses back into my nose.

"Ya know as your body guard, I have to protect you. All of you- including your eyes. We don't want anything getting in there" he said with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Your ridiculous" I said letting out a laugh as I took them off placing them beside the sink.

"No but seriously. Wear them" he said stepping in front of me. He picked them up before sliding them into my nose once more.

"Plus you look beautiful with them on" he said pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

I blushed as I began to look down shyly.

"Thanks" I whispered not being used to being complimented with my glasses on. At my high school if I wore them, I would get name called a lot. Ugly. Geek. And the famous Nerdily Rose.

I never really cared what people thought until one day I accidentally left them at home and the amount of compliments I got that day were overwhelming. And I never wore them to school again.

"Cmon lets go. We need some dinner for tonight. We can't ALWAYS order pizza" he said pulling me along as I laughed.


"Get in" Shawn said seriously as we pulled a cart out.

"What?" I said with a laugh thinking he would laugh with me but he didn't.

"Are you serious?" I said my smile dropping once I realised he was serious.

"Yeah, come on. It'll be fun" he said raising his eyebrows up and down making me giggle.

"Okay okay" I said climbing over and into the cart sitting securely inside.

We walked through the entrance, getting looks from everyone. The workers looking at us in annoyance while some customers laughed happily and some joined with the workers.

"Shawn!!" I squealed loudly as he ran down the aisle before jumping so his feet were off the ground. I laughed and laughed until I was clutching my stomach in pain.


"Cereal!" I said grabbing our usual lucky charms cereal.



This continued on and on until our cart was full and I had to hop out because apparently I was going to 'crack the eggs'.

I held his hand as I hopped out of the cart almost tripping as I attempted to step onto the ground.

"Fuck look out" he said making me laugh as he prevented me from falling flat on my face.

"Thanks" I said with a giggle.

"You two are a very lovely couple" an elderly woman with a husband around the same age said.

"Oh! We aren't-" I started to speak before Shawn cut me off.

"Thank you. As are you two" Shawn said pulling me to his side as chills ran through my body when he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"How long have you two been dating for?" She asked sweetly.

"2 years" Shawn said simply as if it was the most normal thing in the world. All I could do was stand beside him with a fake smile on my face.

"Oh that's lovely! I can tell you will last forever. You look at each other the way my husband and I did when we were your age" she said making my eyes widened and even Shawn was taken back.

"I'll let you two go. It's good to see that there's still true love roaming" she said before her husband laced his hand with hers before they made there way slowly down the aisle.

"Shawn!" I squealed swatting his chest hard.

"Hey now I'm your boyfriend at school and at the shops" he said shooting me a playful wink making me blush furiously.

But Deep down I continued to think how I wanted him to be my boyfriend everywhere.


A/N: sorry i haven't updated for a few days i've had stocktake at my work and it's been the longest shifts but i should be back to a good updating schedule

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