•Volume 1• Chapter 1- I am Not Mentally-Ill

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[Please collect your newbie pack.]

This sentence popped up before Ling Ran's eyes again at twelve in the afternoon. At the same time, an icon shaped like a parcel kept flashing at the top right of his field of vision like a broken ambulance beacon.

Ling Ran quietly took out his notebook and made a note of it, but he did not give any response.

As a medical student, Ling Ran had a considerable amount of curiosity, but he could also exercise a sufficient amount of caution and self-control.

After obtaining this system in a baffling and confusing manner, Ling Ran immediately started making all sorts of records and tests on it.

...Because he first had to make sure that he was not crazy. And to avoid losing the graduation certificate he was about to receive, Ling Ran had to conduct the tests himself.

Ling Ran first chose the Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases Scale. It was used to assess the cognitive biases of schizophrenics, especially those with delusional disorder. Moreover, it was a self-assessment.

There were a total of forty-two clauses and they all described the different attitudes and beliefs people held. The questions were asked in first person point of view, with one point to 'strongly disagree', and seven points to 'strongly agree'.

It was very easy to complete the whole form and some of the clauses were also easily understandable.

For example, the first clause: I am on the lookout for danger.

The ninth clause: I am often not sure what people mean.

The twentieth clause: I make sure that all windows are locked.

The twenty-fifth clause: The first thoughts are the right ones.

The twenty-seventh clause: I do not go out after dark.

However, even though it was easy to complete the self-assessment form, it was rather troublesome to process it. It usually needed to be calculated with many types of formulae before the final tally could be obtained.

Besides, other than the assessment of cognitive biases scale, Ling Ran also did the Chinese version of the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia Consensus Cognitive Battery, Peters et al.'s version of the Delusions Inventory, Haddock's version of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale which was used to determine whether psychosis was present, and how severe it was.

In short, Ling Ran needed a computer that was equipped with the relevant softwares to use data to determine his mental state.

Ling Ran quietly walked to the second floor of the school laboratory. When he knocked on the door, he heard the sound of someone walking inside. All of a sudden, the person stopped for a few seconds in front of the door before suddenly opening it.

"Junior Ling Ran, you're here." His senior sister wore a thin layer of lipstick and seemed to have applied blush on her face. Illuminated by the dim lighting, it was easy for others to recall the wolf impersonating the grandmother in Little Red Riding Hood when they saw her.

"Senior sister, sorry to trouble you again." Ling Ran smiled calmly.

"It's okay, no big deal." The sight of him made his senior sister feel good. There was a miniature version of herself howling furiously in her mind. 'The school hunk is so handsome, the school hunk looks so charming when he smiles...'

Ling Ran continued smiling.

The senior suddenly came to her senses, and immediately shifted her body away from the door. She spoke with a beaming face, "Come on in, I made you tea... No, I'll make you tea. Oh yeah, how have you been?"

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