A Kiss

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Subtitles in Italics--I don't actually speak Italian I used Google Translator. It's pretty awesome. And now I have an extra translator! Thanks for the help,    frafantoTWDG    Hope y'all enjoy. :)


"So what are you so worried about that redneck asshole for?" Shane walked up and sat beside me in front of the fire. I glared up at him. "Jesus, you don't have to be mad at me. He's a douche-bag and I just can't figure out why a fine woman like you gives a shit about a piece of trash like him." I stood up and leaned over inches from his face and screamed, "Vaffanculo!" {F#*$ off} I gave him a shove before stomping off into the woods. He yelled after me, "I don't know what that means but it sounded really sexy!"

I don't know how long I had been walking around but when I finally stopped I couldn't see the lights of the campfire anymore. Leaves rustled somewhere behind me and then a twig snapped. I quickly turned around but saw nothing. I grabbed for a weapon realizing that I had left everything. I was defenseless. I started to shake a little until I saw his face. "What the hell are you doin' out here in the dark all alone?" Daryl asked me. I shrugged.

"Deputy Smart ass pissed me off," I growled at him and he chuckled.

"Yeah, he's good at that. Let's get you back to camp."

We entered the tent that Daryl was sharing with Papá. He was awake and sitting up in the bed. I was behind Uncle Daryl when we first walked in so he didn't see me at first. "Hey little brotha," he said, "When I woke up that last time..." I stepped out from behind Uncle Daryl before he could finish and a smile grew on his face. "Angel baby." He stood and walked over to me and wrapped me in one of his ever so loving hugs. We stayed up the rest of the night reminiscing about the few times I had to reminisce of him, he was always in and out of my life.

We walked out to join the rest of the group in the morning. Papá was hugging me tight as we walked up and Shane was staring at me angry and confused. I noticed Lori watching him and looking just as angry. I kept wondering why she would be so angry at him. She had her husband back. Papá walked up to Rick and shook his hand, "Officer Friendly, I owe you a big one. Thank you for keeping my little girl safe." I saw Shane in the background along with everyone else as their jaws dropped. I heard the whispers. They couldn't believe that Merle Dixon had a daughter. Shane walked up to Papa with his chest puffed out. He was awful proud of himself.

"Actually, Merle, it was me that kept her safe. She was here with us before Rick showed up."

I saw the look on Papá's face. He hated this. Through his clenched jaw he managed, "Guess I owe you one then." Papá's face was starting to get red now. Shane was looking over Papá's shoulder right passed him and directly at me. "Pop yer eyes back into their sockets Romeo," Papá said his voice was beginning to get louder, "I might owe you one but I ain't lettin' some pretty boy like you touch my daughter." Shane's face dropped as he turned his gaze back to Papá and threw his hands up backing away.

After the mob broke up this morning and everyone went back to their usual daily activities I decided to take a walk. I knew I shouldn't be going out alone but I needed some time to myself to think. Lori's evil stares were starting to be less creepy and more maddening. She was jealous because Shane was focusing his attention on me instead of her. Another reason I needed to get away. Sometimes his attention just felt downright creepy. Lori's anger over Shane was just wrong. She had her husband now who does she think she is? I wanted to hit her. Rick sure didn't deserve that kind of treatment, he is a good guy. Even though Shane could be kind of a creep he didn't deserve that from her either. Lori just acts like she is Queen Bitch and gets anything she wants. I thought I could like her but the longer I'm around her the more I don't. I was startled out of my thoughts when someone grabbed me. Pulling my knife from its sheath I turned, inches from plunging my blade into Shane's head.

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