In the Light

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"I ain't gonna beg!" Those were the last words Merle heard himself saying before he shut his eyes tight and heard the sound of that gun discharging.

Merle's chest was heavy as he slowly opened his eyes and saw Daryl standing over the Governor on the floor. As he stood he felt the intense pain in his left shoulder, the spot that the Governor's bullet hit. He straightened himself up as the Governor was getting back up to his feet. Daryl kicked him in the stomach and he fell again. Merle joined his brother as they put a Dixon smack down on this jerk. Before they could finish him off Martinez and his men had returned to check on the Governor and joined in the fight allowing the Governor to quietly slip away without any of them noticing. They had the Dixons on the ground when Martinez signaled them to go. Daryl stood himself up and then helped his older brother up. Merle slung what was left of his right arm around Daryl's neck as Daryl held onto him around his waist. The two brothers limped and fumbled their way back to the prison.

Shane was sound asleep on her bed as she stood in the doorway watching him. She let out a heavy sigh before slinging her bag over her shoulder and exiting the cell block. Just as she reached the door she felt a hand grab her arm. "Where are you going?" Rick asked softly so as not to wake anyone up. "I'm going to find my Papáand my uncle." She said snatching her arm out of Rick's grasp. "Not now, you can't. It's pitch black out there, you'll never be able to see where you're going let alone Daryl or Merle." He took her bag off her shoulder and dropped it to the floor as he took her by the hand and led her outside. Glenn was on watch tonight as Rick waved at him and led Isabella over to the benches and sat her down staring out at the blackness of the cool Georgia night. The only thing you could see were silhouettes and all you could hear were the groans from the walkers outside the fence. Rick pointed out there, "See, all you're going to manage to do is get yourself lost...or killed. It's best just to wait until Daryl gets back with Merle, and he will get back." Rick reassured her as he put his arm around her and hugged her. They sat there and stared into the night just waiting when Isabella finally spoke again. "So you and Andrea, huh?" Rick chuckled. "Well, it does curb the jealousy a little when I see you and Shane together," Rick told her as he looked down at her still resting her head on his shoulder, "I gotta tell you though I do like being here with you right now." He could feel her smile grow but she kept staring ahead.

Just as the night sky was beginning to lighten and the orange glow of the sun began to fill it Isabella popped her head up, staring intently at the tree line. She jumped to her feet and put her hand above her face before she made a run for the gate. She turned to Rick, "Rick, keys!" She yelled back to him as he took the keys off his belt and tossed them over to her. He started running behind her. She had the gate unlocked and was taking down walkers close to the open gate as she ran out to meet Daryl practically dragging Merle. "What happened? Is he," She paused looking her Papáover, "Dead?"

"Let's get inside and I'll tell you everything," Daryl told her pointing to approaching walkers. Isabella took Merle's other arm and put it around her shoulders just as one of the walkers got close enough to try to bite her. A gun sang and she looked behind her to see it fall to the ground. She looked back at Rick and nodded a 'Thank you.' Rick threw her a nod back. They walked through the gate as Rick closed and locked it back. They dragged a mostly unconscious Merle back to his cell and laid him on the bed. He was mumbling something but Isabella couldn't make it out. She leaned in closer, "I thought I was never gonna see your beautiful face again Kitty Cat." He brushed his hand across Isabella's face. "Papá," she said as a lone tear streaked her face, "It's me, Bella." Merle snapped to and smiled at her. "So it is. My beautiful Rose. I love you baby girl." She fell onto his chest hugging him and letting the tears flow now. "I love you too Papá." Rick cleared his throat as he placed a hand on Isabella's shoulder. "Hershel's here, he needs to look at your dad." Isabella nodded and stood as she moved back and leaned against the far wall. Shane slid in and stood next to her putting a comforting arm around her and watching as Hershel patch Merle up.

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