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He had stayed sober for two whole months and being here with her and Isabella has renewed her faith in this man. He could do this and he could be a father and a husband, if he would only ask her, she might actually say yes. She wasn't holding her breath for that though. That was a lot to expect from Merle Dixon. She snuggled in closer to his side and he wrapped his arm around her. Isabella was playing on the floor as they sat on the couch with the TV going but watching her . It was her fourth birthday tomorrow and she didn't even care about a party. She was so excited that her Papá was going to be here with her for this birthday and that was all that mattered. "Bella Rose, whatcha want for your birthday little girl?" Merle had finally spoken up as he stared at his small daughter. "I don't need nothin' Papá," she smiled as she ran over and jumped into his lap, "I already got what I wanted for my birthday."

"Oh yeah, what might that be?" She asked her daughter as she smiled at the two of them. "Papá's here this time. That was my only wish." She laid her tiny little head on Merle's chest as he wrapped her in a tighter hug and then reached over to pull her closer as well. Isabella let out a huge yawn as her eyes kept falling shut. "I think you are ready for bed little lady."

"Uh uh," she argued, "I wanna stay up with Papá." She was pouting as she flashed her sad little girl eyes at Merle. "How about Papá tucking you in and reading you a bedtime story?" She squealed and she jumped up to her feet. "You go ahead and get ready for bed and he'll be up soon." She watched the little girl run up the steps and then turned to Merle who had a look of sheer terror on his face causing her to laugh. "For a man that claims not to be afraid of anything you sure do look like you are about to pee your pants at the thought of reading a bedtime story to your little girl." She gave him a shove before he replied. "I ain't scared, I just ain't the bedtime story type. What am I supposed to read her?"

"She has tons of books up there. Pick whatever book you want, better yet, let her pick."

She had fallen asleep on the couch waiting on Merle to get back. When she woke she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked to see what time it was. It was after midnight and she had started to wonder what had happened to Merle. It had been his idea to put her to bed so they could have some alone time. She climbed the stairs listening for any sounds of him wandering around but heard nothing. When she finally reached her daughter's bedroom door and peeked in she saw why he had not returned. He was lying next to her in her small bed with her head on his chest and both were sound asleep. He had one foot still on the floor and the other leg up on the bed with his left hand resting on top of the book open on his stomach. She had smiled as she picked up the blanket off the floor and spread it across the two of them before kissing both of them on their foreheads. She had slipped into one of Merle's t-shirts before getting into the bed and drifting off again.

She was waken after what she felt was only a couple of minutes by hand moving up her thigh to her hip. "Hey sweet cheeks," he whispered, "The kid's asleep now."

"Merle, s 'in ritardo." {Merle, it's late.} She said sleepily. "Abbiamo molto da fare la mattina." {We've got a lot to do in the morning.}

"Aww, baby, I only need a minute or two. Then you can go back to sleep." Merle pleaded with her as he began to place soft kisses on her skin. His kisses were starting to linger a little longer on her neck, her shoulder, her arm. Now her body temperature was beginning to rise and her sleepiness dwindling. His lips and his hands roamed freely over her entire body sending waves of ecstasy through her. He smiled as his eyes glanced up at her from the last kiss on her stomach. His fingers made their way down between her legs and he began stroking causing her to moan out loud. "Si, Si, Si." She said over and over again getting a little louder as he began to stroke her faster. "So wet," he answered as she called out his name. "Sono pronto per il cazzo!" {I'm ready for your c**k!}

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