Chapter 10

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I want to dedicate this to 1dream41d, because she made me a trailer, and even though it's not on YouTube anymore, it was beautiful, and I want to thank her for working on it!

Chapter 10:


"Niall?" Liam asked.

"Yeah?" I looked up from my DS.

The rest of the boys put theirs down, too, because Liam sounded serious.

"Where's Ella?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat at her name, but I ignored it, considering the fact that she hated me, "In her room with Colly, probably." I said, shrugging.

"Why don't you bring her down?" Harry asked, "We could have some fun, right?"

"Yeah, I mean, why not? We could eat dinner, you know, bring some laughs out of her." Louis grinned.

Zayn nodded, "Been a while since we've got to really look at her. She's got really pretty eyes, by the way, Niall. They're just as green as yours are blue."

"Alright, Zayn, you're going to get her, though. Colly's with her, and although she never listens to us, she listens to you sometimes, so get her and make sure El comes along." I said, wanting to avoid seeing the hurt and pain in her eyes when she looked at me for as long as I could.

Zayn raised his eyebrows at me, but shrugged all the same, and trudged upstairs.

He came back down with Coleen and Ella a few minutes later. Ella looked plain uncomfortable, and didn't say anything.

"ELLA CASTINGS." Louis yelled.

Ella jumped instantly, she didn't expect that outburst from Louis, and she had been staring at the ground before he yelled her name.

Her startled reaction earned a few small laughs from Harry, and a grin from Louis. She stuck her tongue out at them wordlessly. Coleen stared at her.

"Stick that thing back in yo mouth, girrrrl!" She said, grabbing Ella's tongue.

"DONT TOUCH MY TONGUE." Ella said to her loudly, but she seemed to holding back her giggles.

By now, the boys and I were just staring at them.

"WHY? Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"Not as uncomfortable as having a girl named after sweets RIP THE HAIR OUT OF MY SCALP!"


I doubled over laughing, but they payed no attention to me.

"Yeah! AND MAYBE NEXT TIME WE CAN GIVE OUR IPHONE'S A BATH, HOW 'BOUT THAT?" Ella threw her hands up in the air.

"Um, pardon me, but we have absolutely no idea what you two barking mad girls are ranting on about." Harry piped in.

"NO ONE CARES, STYLES." Ella yelled, then blinked.

"Where did that come from?" Coleen asked, "You're so shy around them."

"I have no idea." Ella said quietly.

"You should be like that more often." Liam said. "I like it."

"Yeah. You're all like 'Rawr', which by the way means 'I love you' in dinosaur." Louis said, obviously believing that he was giving out helpful information.

"Are you kidding me? RAWR DOES NOT MEAN 'I LOVE YOU'. HAVE YOU SEEN JURASSIC PARK? IT MEANS 'I WANT TO FUCKING BITE YOUR HEAD OFF'." Ella screamed, then covered her mouth with her hand, surprised.

"Ells, are you okay? What's going on? You barely make any noise around them at all, what has happened to you? I won't lie and say I don't like it, but what happened?"

"I think we washed our laptops too long, Colly." Ella replied, slightly dazed.

I walked over to check her forehead.

"I think Niall's dying. We should call the paramedics." Harry said suddenly, gesturing to me, because I was on the floor laughing so hard it came out silent, and my face was probably extremely red.

"He'll live. He usually got like this at least twice a day back in Mullingar." Ella dismissed, and then seemed surprised that she spoke again.


"Really?" Zayn asked curiously.

"Erm... Yeah." Ella said awkwardly.

Okay, she needed to just go all out like she did a few minutes before, so I took matters into my own hands. "Hey, Ella, truth or dare? Dare? Okay!" I said in a hurry, and went to go whisper the dare in her ear. "Please be yourself, they like it, and you like it!" I pleaded.

"I never picked dare." She pointed out to me.

"So? I picked dare for you, see how helpful I am?" I grinned at her.


"Do it."


"Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!!" I signaled for the boys to join in.

Soon, Ella was bright red, and everyone was chanting, "Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"

"FINE! Jesus Christ.." She yelled.

"What were we chanting for exactly?" Louis asked, grinning at me.

I blushed almost instantly.

No, Coleen, stop it! You're rivals. You do NOT blush when he smiles at you, no matter how pretty his smile is.

"So Ella could be crazy like she usually is." I said, looking away.

Zayn raised his eyebrows. He knew me really well.

Dangitt, Zayn. Why do you notice things so easily!

"Damn." Niall muttered.

"What?" I asked, ignoring Ella's sudden scowl.

"My stomach hurts now. I laughed too hard..."

"Oh, go heal it with some food." Ella retorted.

Harry and Louis chuckled.

"You're a strange girl, Ella Castings." Louis said.

"Yeah, 'cause you're just SO normal, Tommy." Ella said sarcastically.

"Tommy?" Niall asked a little breathlessly, from all the laughter.

"Tommy." Ella confirmed, although she didn't look at him.

"I like you, Ella Castings." 'Tommy' said.

"You already said that, Louis- I mean, Tommy." She grinned briefly.

"Yes I did, Ella Castings."

"Are you going to keep calling me by my full name?"

"Maybe." Louis grinned.

Damn... He's got such a cute smile.


Pretend you never, ever heard that, m'kay?

I looked over to Niall, and realized that behind all the laughing, he was not happy.

You could just tell from the look in his eyes whenever he looked at Ella.

Oh, Niall... I though sadly.

Niall's made mistakes, leaving Ella was probably one of them. I didn't like what Ella's doing to him by ignoring him, but I did see where she was coming from.

"Niall." I whispered to him when the others were deep in conversation.

Niall had been staring at Ella, and when he looked to me, there were evident tears in his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry." I murmured to him, indicating it was about Ella.

"I did it to myself, though." He said miserably.

"Well, then win back her heart." I said simply, and got up to join the others as they set the table.


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