Chapter 21

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February 14th, 2009


"Wake up," A voice said in a soft, sing-song tone. It was familiar. It sounded like home.

My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Niall and his insanely blue eyes leaning over me.

I was suddenly aware of my surroundings, and that I was laying on a blanket under a tree.

Niall and I must have fallen asleep, and slept all night because it was clearly morning.

The night before had been amazing. We just stayed up, confessing secrets and lonely thoughts to each other. If I wasn't looking at the stars, I was staring at him.

He was my stars and my sky and my moon and my sun. He was my everything. And-


"Niall! Niall, my dad! He's going to freak! Shit! Fuck! He's going to ki-"

Niall shushed me gently, grinning. "I talked to your dad, El."

"You did?"

He nodded.

"Besides, I don't want you worrying today. It's Valentine's Day."

And then we were rolling around the blanket, giggling and kissing.

"God, I love you." He said.

I knew he knew my answer, so I just smiled and breathed in his smell. Armani and peppermint. Always the same.

That was something I always loved about Niall. He never changes. He's always so consistent. He's practically exactly the same since we met when I turned 12. He's still as immature and adorable and lovable.

By noon, we both had crowns of little yellow daisies resting on our heads.

"You're my princess, Ella."

"And you're my prince." I replied, smiling.

He smiled back at me, and he just looked so... Radiant. I'd never seen him look so confident in himself and it gave me a fuzzy feeling inside.

We spent the rest of the day just doing stupid little things. Stupid things were always the best things to do with Niall. We played tag and truth or dare and just kissed a lot.

To be honest, I preferred doing that rather than going out so some dinner date for Valentine's Day.

I could never stop smiling when I was around him. Everything about him was just so adorable. Just hearing his name made me smile.

I was so glad I had him. Things at home could be pretty tough, and I was really bad at socializing so a lot of people made fun of me, but Niall... Niall took it all away.

He was the good in my life. He made me feel smart and beautiful and wanted. I could never repay him for the love he gave me each and every day.

I'd never met someone so kind and loving as him and I thanked God each and every day for him.

Sometimes I wasn't sure why I did that, but I guessed it was because I didn't want to risk losing him.

Losing Niall would mean losing everything.

"El?" Niall asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I was suddenly aware of how quickly I could lose him if the circumstances were right, so I hugged him tight. He seemed surprised at first, but he held me even tighter and tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

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