Q&A - The Author

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Taco sat down at their computer, eyes widening when the realized that they still needed to answer their Q&A questions.

Opening their email, Taco found the ones that contained the questions they had been asked.

"Alright, let's do this," they said to themself, cracking their knuckles and opening a blank draft on Wattpad. 


omfnashi asked, 'How did you get inspiration to complete a whole book? Like do you plan out the whole storyline and work on it or impromptu.'

Well, the inspiration kinda just came as I worked on it. Like, idk, it just happened. 

As for planning it or impromptu, most of the book was impromptu. Like, if you had told me that anything between chapter 4 and chapter 8 happened when I first started writing it, I would have thought you were crazy. 

Although, once I got towards the end, I made some rough outlines for what I wanted to happen because I just got a bunch of ideas one day and didn't want to forget them.

DatGirlwithaPencil asked, 'How does it feel now that you're done with the book? (I'm sad that it's over T^T)'

Alright, when I first published the epilogue, I was sad that it was over, but now that I'm working on other books, it's easier to accept.

K3A3P3 asked, 'Did the book go exactly as planned or did you just kinda "wing it" sometimes, maybe changing or adding things?'

Oh man, I winged this entire goddamn book. And, like, even when I planned the end chapters, stuff ended up being added in.

SoullessPotato1 asked, 'Author, do you know you're amazing?'

Awwwwwwww, thank you!!!!!!

-Purp- asked, '...how is school? qwq'

Oh man, um... not as bad as it was last year, surprisingly. Although I'm starting to get a lot of homework, which sucks.

Juicy_Jesse asked, 'how proud are you of this book? uwu'

Oh my god, I'm so proud. Like, I could rant about how much I love it (and all y'all) for hours.

The_Shadowling asked, 'So, how did you come up with the idea?'

Alright, so I explained this at the end of chapter 14, but I will gladly explain it again!

So, I started a book of one-shots, and I started writing a Hanahaki Disease one-shot. I then went on Pinterest and saw this image:

Now, when it said "Imagine your OTP" I immediately thought of the Hanahaki Disease one-shot

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Now, when it said "Imagine your OTP" I immediately thought of the Hanahaki Disease one-shot. So I put the image in the draft a ways below what I had so I would remember it. 

After a while of writing, I realized that there was no way I would be able to write everything in a one-shot, and then this book happened!

YaoiDokonidemo asked, 'How are you?'

Well, I am completely and utterly exhausted. Like, I'm so sleep-deprived, it's not funny. Well, it is funny, but, like, I've got a headache that I think is caused by me being sleep-deprived and dehydrated.

ilyvirgil asked, 'favourite character??'

Definitely either Virgil or Deceit. 

Sarcastic_17 asked, '1.) Do you know how much I love you?
2.) Favorite band?
3.) How did you come up with this story idea? 

1.) Awwww, thanks bud!!!!
2.) Um...... I really don't know- probably Panic! or FOB or MCR 
3.) Look above!!!


Awwww, thank you bud!!!!!

GachaPlays05 asked, 'Did you enjoy writing this series?'

Well, I wouldn't necessarily call this a series (although at one point I was considering writing a sequel), but yeah, I absolutely loved writing this.

Justice529 asked, 'Do you feel a connection with you character and your book? Do they feel like your babies?'

Omg, yes. This book (and anything that I write, for that matter) feels like my baby, and all of the characters are my children. Like, if you mess with them, you mess with me.

DiamondGirl2016 asked, '1. How did you actually come up with the idea of Virgil having the disease? 2. How did you come up with the INCREDIBLE ending? 3. how are you? 4. Any fanfic suggestions? 5. What are your tips of writing a sander sides fanfic (like meh)?'

1. So the idea of a Hanahaki story was just me wanting to do my own spin on the trope.

2. 'Kay, so the minute I started writing the story, I knew that Roman would end up falling in love with Virgil, but the ending kinda just hit me out of the blue one day.

3. I am so, so, so tired.

4. So I have a reading list of Sanders Sides books that I would recommend, so you can look there.

5. Tips... let's see... um...
I guess my biggest tip for writing anything is to write something you would want to read. That's kinda what happened for me with Hanahaki. I just started writing something that I would want to read, and it turns out that all y'all wanted to read it too.


Awww, love you too, bud!!!! I'm so glad you loved the book!!!

HufflepuffWhoTries said, 'I have to many ideas please agree with me on this statement:
I have no motivation to do all of my ideas.'

Yes. So true. I feel you. I've got ideas for, like, 10+ Sanders Sides books, like... HHHNGGGGG I JUST WANT THEM ALL TO BE WRITTEN ALREADYYYYYY

kitten28989 asked, 'was this your favorite story to write?'

Well, this is the first story I've written, so yeah. Although I'm working on others, so we'll have to see if it lasts.

And then, finally, SoullessPotato1 asked again, 'If you don't mind, I'd like to ask another question. On a scale of one to ten, what's your favourite color of the alphabet? My favourite is triangle but I'm open to suggestions :)'

Personally, my favorite is rhombicosidodecahedron, although the circle is a close second.


Taco sighed, leaning back from their computer and stretching, a feeling of melancholy coming over them as they realized this would be the last chapter published in the book.

Smiling slightly as they tried not to cry, they added their signature ending.

Until next time,

Take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals!


Hanahaki Disease // Sanders Sides - VirgilWhere stories live. Discover now