🌹Chapter 21🌹

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Y'all are gonna hate me at the end of this chapter, and I'm kinda scared. That's all I'm gonna say.

TW: Wanting to die, putting people down, kinda intense pain.

|Previous chapter:

The second before I fell asleep, I heard a faint whisper, although it could have been my sleepy brain making it up.

"I love you, Princey."|

Virgil POV: 

I was alone, standing in the middle of Thomas' living room. Suddenly, the room went dark, save for one light that illuminated the area of the room I was standing in. 

"H-hello?" I called out tentatively, scared about what might be lurking in the shadows. "Patton? Logan? Thomas? Deceit?" 

"Oh, they won't be helping you anytime soon," a silky voice called from the shadows. "In fact, no one will be helping you anytime soon."

Upon hearing the voice, I froze. I could recognize that voice in a heartbeat, but I never expected to hear it in this context.

I heard a snap, and a light turned on in front of me. Once my eyes adjusted, I was able to clearly see the source of the voice, and my stomach dropped while all the breath left my lungs. 

"Roman?" I breathed. "What's going on? Where are the others?" 

Instead of acknowledging that I spoke, Roman simply smirked and held up his hand. 

"Oh, you mean them?" he asked calmly, snapping his fingers as he spoke. 

More lights turned on, flooding the room with their harsh glow. I blinked rapidly, blinded by the sudden switch from dark to light. When I was finally able to see again, I glanced around the living room. 

Standing around me in a loose circle were all the others. 

Roman was directly in front of me, smirking evilly with his arms crossed. Patton was to Roman's left while Deceit was on the other side. I had to turn around in order to see both Thomas and Logan. Logan was next to Patton, which left Thomas to stand between Deceit and Logan. 

I would have expected them to smile or explain why I was there, but all of them were glaring. Even Deceit. 

"Guys?" I asked, slowly turning in a circle to look at all of them. "What's going on? Did I do something wrong?" 

None of them responded or did anything to acknowledge my existence, and I turned to face Deceit. 

"Deceit?" I asked. "What's going on?" 

Instead of answering my question, Deceit just crossed his arms. "You really thought I was your best friend? How stupid can you be?" 

I froze again while Deceit's question sunk in. How could he say that? We've been best friends for over twenty years. 

"Oh, please," Deceit scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I was lying the whole time. That's what I do. I'm Deceit for god's sake. It's in the name." 

I couldn't, wouldn't, believe it. Deceit would never say that. 

"And I must have been pretty convincing, 'cause you fell for it pretty bad," he continued, smirking when he saw my reaction. "But don't worry. I'm sure you'll find someone to talk to when you get to wherever you're going."

In shock, I turned to Patton, whose arms were also crossed. 

"Dad?" I whispered. "What's happening?" 

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