🌹Chapter 26🌹

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*Sits down to write chapter*

*Opens computer*

*Sees how many reads this book has*

Omg... 21.2k reads... I just... Y'all are insane!!!!!!

*Looks closer*


Also, there are people reading this in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Lithuania, Finland, Australia, Indonesia, Malasia, the Philipines, and New Zealand.

Edit: And Japan, and Ireland, and Cuba

I'm, like, in shock... 

Anyways, enough of me talking...

Chapter 26!!!!

TW: This wouldn't be a true chapter if there was no crying, so there's that.

|Previous chapter:

I stared at the page, mouth agape and eyes wide. I didn't remember that happening, probably because I had been half asleep. But Roman said that he might like me as more than a friend.
I blinked, looking up at Dr. Picani. "If he might like me as more than a friend, why did he get so upset at me when I didn't hear him?"

"Well," Dr. Picani said slowly, a mischievous grin on his face. "I think someone might have made him just a tad bit jealous."|

Roman POV:

As soon as Virgil's door was shut behind me, I sighed and rested my head against the wall opposite of the door. I had no idea why I had gotten so upset. I mean, yeah, I wish that he had been listening to me, but that was no reason for me to act the way I had.

I groaned to myself. It was all too clear that I had done exactly what I was trying to stop doing; being a jerk towards Virgil.

Pushing off against the wall, I turned back towards Virgil's door, the better half of me wanting to burst in and apologize. I paused, though, with my hand on the doorknob when I heard Picani and Virgil talking.

Groaning again, I took my hand off the doorknob and turned down the hall towards the kitchen. The last thing I wanted to do was interrupt their conversation, seeing as I had dragged Picani to the Mind Palace solely so that the two of them could talk.

I was not even two steps away from Virgil's door when the sound of coughing stopped me. Pausing, I listened for the sound again. It wasn't long before I heard more coughing. I continued walking towards the kitchen, figuring that Dr. Picani would be helping Virgil if he was having a fit, but I immediately stopped when I realized that the sound of coughing got louder the closer I got to Deceit's room.

Tip-toeing up to his door, I put my ear against the door, and I could clearly hear Deceit's coughs. It concerned me that he was coughing this much.

I hope he's not sick.

"Deceit?" I asked during a lull in the noise. "Are you okay?"

It took a few seconds before I heard him croak out, "Yes," only to immediately start coughing again.

"Are you sure? You sound like you're sick."

"It is just a cold," Deceit croaked out again, and I heard footsteps approaching the door. I took a step back, and the door opened a few inches, allowing me to see the side of Deceit's face that wasn't covered in scales. "I will be fine in a few days."

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