🌹Chapter 12🌹

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|Previous chapter:

I straightened my back and wiped away any stray tears that were still on my cheeks.

Looking him squarely in the eyes, I responded.

"I have to go back."|

TW: Talks about not wanting to eat, lots and lots of tears

Deceit POV:

It's been three days since Virgil's attempt. Three days full of silence and tears. Thomas hasn't left the house since then and has spent most of the time lounging around on the couch. He would only get up when he had to, which left Roman, Patton, Logan, and I with a lot of time to ourselves.

We each found a way to distract ourselves from the pain of what happened. Every second that we weren't eating or sleeping we would spend doing whatever helped the pain go away.

Logan had moved his desk and work out to the living room so that he could constantly monitor Virgil health. He would only get up to eat, but, even then, there were still many times where Patton had to bring a plate of food to Logan.

I would spend all my time on my phone reading stories on Wattpad. I read anything and everything as long as it wasn't a fanfiction about Thomas and us Sides. I was in the middle of reading a book called "my art" by a user named I_love_spoons. (A/N: Fourth Wall?? Never heard of her...)

Patton baked, and baked, and baked. Cookies, cupcakes, tiered cakes, brownies, pastries, any confection that you could think of, he found a way to make it.

On the second day of Patton baking, yesterday, he ran out of space to put the desserts he made. I was sitting at the table when he realized that, and I looked up from my phone as he walked off down the hall without saying a word. A few minutes later, he walked back in and right back out after he grabbed a few of the older treats. After watching Patton make a few trips, I got up and followed him after he grabbed a three-tiered cake.

After walking down a lot of halls and turning a lot of corners, I watched Patton go into a room that I didn't know existed. Patton had left the door open when he went in, so I quickly crept to the doorframe. Peeking my head in, I gasped but then immediately clapped my hand over my mouth so Patton wouldn't hear.

The room was larger than any of our room and looked to be a giant refrigerator filled with shelves. The walls were white, and shelves lined the walls and filled the interior of the room. Starting to fill up the shelves were the treats Patton made. 

From where I was standing by the door I could feel a slight draft coming from the room. I stood there for a few seconds, watching as Patton silently placed the cake he had brought in its spot next to other cakes. Once Patton was finished adjusting where the cake sat, he stood facing it and sighed heavily.

I took that as my cue to leave and silently backtracked to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and picked up my phone just as Patton walked back in to grab more sweets.

No one knew what Roman was doing. After he ran out of Virgil's room, he locked himself in his room and refused to answer to anyone for any reason. Patton tried many times to get him to come out to eat, but he didn't make a sound.

Looking up from my phone, I saw Patton walk back into the kitchen after placing the most recent tray of cookies in the room. He didn't know that I saw the room, and I planned to keep it that way.

He walked over to the stove, and, instead of getting out ingredients for a dessert as I expected, he pulled out ingredients for pancakes and scrambled eggs. I curiously watched as Patton mixed the batter for the pancakes and cracked the eggs into their pan and couldn't help but wonder,

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