🌹Chapter 1🌹

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Virgil POV:

I haven't left my room in two days. I don't have the strength to make it three steps away from my bed, and even if I did have the strength, I couldn't risk anyone finding out.

A knock on my door woke me from a nap I had been taking.

"Virgil, can I come in?" It was Patton, most likely holding a bowl of soup that he wanted me to eat.

I rolled over, coughing a few times. I quickly hid the red petals in my hand inside my pillowcase.

No one knew that I had Hanahaki. I knew that it would break Patton's heart, Logan would probably not care, and Roman... He would probably be glad to know that I was dying. He reminded me just how much he hated me every day.

It made sense that the one person that wanted me dead was the reason I was dying.

Once I made sure the petals were hidden, I responded. "I guess."

Patton opened the door slowly. Sure enough, he was carrying a tray with soup and some crackers on it.

"Hey there, kiddo. How are you feeling?" He sat on the edge of my bed, setting the tray on a table next to my bed.

I tried to answer, but the only response Patton got was a bout of coughing. I turned away from Patton, managing to hide the few rose petals that escaped.

Once I was done coughing, I turned back to Patton and croaked, "Not that great. Got a bad cough."

"Oh, I'm sorry kiddo," he whispered, rubbing my back lightly. "I brought you some soup. That might help a little."

I wasn't hungry, but I knew it would make Patton happy to see me eat, even if it was just a few bites.

"OK, could you help me sit up?"

Patton quickly helped me pile pillows behind me so I could lean against them. Many times during the process I had to choke back coughs, but it was worth it if it meant that Patton didn't find out.

Once I was sitting up, Patton grabbed the tray and placed it on my lap. 

"Here you go, kiddo," he stood up to leave, and I couldn't help the tiny sigh of relief. "I'll come back in a while to get the bowl. If you want, I'll make sure Logan and Roman don't bother you so you can rest."

I couldn't help a faint smile at the idea of not being bothered for the rest of the day, at least. It would certainly help me hide my secret.

"That'd be great," I whispered. "Thanks, Dad."



Wow. That actually went better than I was expecting. I had no clue where I was going with this when I started. 

I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Feel free to point them out, and I'll fix them as soon as I can. 

I don't know when the next chapter will be out. As of right now, I have a tiny idea of what I want to happen, but, other than that, my mind's blank. It'll probably be a few weeks (I know, I know, it's forever. Again, it takes me five-ever to write anything), but I promise I have not forgotten about it. 

Until next time, take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals.


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