🌹Chapter 9🌹

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Chapter 8 summary for anyone that had to skip:

Virgil woke up after his panic attack and started cleaning up the rose petals that were spread across his room when he heard a loud noise come from the hall. 

He goes to investigate and sees the doors to the other sides' rooms open, which concerns him. 

Virgil reaches the living room, where he looks in and sees Deceit lecturing Roman, Patton, and Logan. Roman sees Virgil and says something in response to Deceit that he knows Virgil will hear. 

Virgil hides behind the wall and keeps listening to what Roman says, even though it hurts. When Roman's done talking, Virgil runs to his room in tears. 

Virgil writes a letter to Thomas, Patton, Logan, Deceit, and Roman and then attempts suicide. Virgil is listening to Helena by MCR when Deceit finds him and gets Logan in there with a first aid kit. 

The chapter ends with Virgil singing the last line of the song to Deceit, which is "so long not goodnight."

And now onto chapter 9:

TW: Suicide attempts, blood, lots of tears, 

|Pevious chapter:

My vision started to go black around the edges, and I locked eyes with Deceit one last time, who seemed to be telling me to stay awake. I gathered the last bit of courage and energy I had to sing the last line loud enough for him to hear.

So long not goodnight|

Deceit POV:

I stalked out of the living room to go check on Virgil, silently cursing myself the whole way there.

I messed up big time. I shouldn't have gone on that giant tangent. I bet I'm too late and he's lying in a pool of his own blood.

As soon as I had that thought, I froze in the middle of the hallway. Another, much worse thought appeared in my mind.

What if he killed himself this time?

I couldn't move, too terrified that I would walk in and see Virgil lying there dead. There have been so many close calls, but each time I've been there to keep him alive. No one was with him to keep him from doing something.

"Oh God," I whispered and started jogging through the Mind Space.

"Who's idea was it to put the living room so far away from the damn bedrooms," I said to no one in particular as I ran.

I ran down the hall, past the other side's rooms to Virgil's and saw that his door was open.

I couldn't hear any noises coming from his room, which concerned me slightly.

Peaking my head into his room I glanced around and didn't see him in there. I expected him to be lying on his bed, but all I could see was a giant pile of blankets.

I immediately turned around and ran back down the hall into the kitchen. I knew that he liked to go there when he was bored, so that was the first place I thought to look. There was no sign of Virgil in the kitchen when I first walked in, but I knew better. I opened all the cabinets to see if Virgil was hiding in any of them.

And, before you ask, yes, I have found Virgil hiding under the sink eating chocolate chips. Many times.

There was no sign of Virgil in the kitchen, so I raced through the house, tearing up each room as I looked. I kept hoping I would find him in a corner listening to music. I even sank down into Thomas's living room to see if Virgil went there.

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