🌹Chapter 2🌹

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Hey y'all!!! I just wanna say, thank you to everyone who's read my book so far!! It means so much to me. I was really anxious to publish it, and you guys really calmed my nerves. 

Another thing:

Holy crap this is amazing!!!!!!!!!

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Holy crap this is amazing!!!!!!!!!

OK, I'll shut up now and let you guys read.

TW: Talking negatively about others, crying

|Previous chapter:

I couldn't help a faint smile at the idea of not being bothered for the rest of the day, at least. It would certainly help me hide my secret.

"That'd be great," I whispered. "Thanks, Dad."|

Patton POV:

Closing the door to Virgil's room, I couldn't help the faint smile on my lips when I heard him call me "Dad". I always viewed him as my son, and to hear that only made me want to protect him more.

I was so caught up in my thoughts as I turned around that I ran into someone and fell flat on my back.

Sitting up, I saw that it was Logan that I ran into. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked at the floor to hide my blush.

"My apologies, Patton. I was not looking where I was going," he said, holding out a hand to help me up. 

"I-it's o-okay," I stuttered, blushing even more. "I wasn't looking where I was going either."

"You look so adorable when you blush," Logan murmured, putting a hand on my cheek.

I jerked my head up, eyes wide at what he just said.

"Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed to say that?" he asked, worry laced through his voice.

"Wha- no, no no no, you can say that. I just didn't think of you as the type to say those kinds of things." I looked at the floor, feeling stupid for thinking that.

"Today's your lucky day," he whispered, putting a hand under my chin and lifting my head so that I was looking at him, "because I have many phrases of that nature that I have been waiting to say to you, and nothing is going to stop me from telling my boyfriend just how adorable he is when he blushes."

He put his other hand on my waist and pulled me close, wrapping me in a hug. After a few seconds, he pulled back a bit and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"You truly are adorable when you blush," he said, which only caused me to blush more. 

We stood there for a few seconds in silence before Logan broke it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing in Virgil's room?"

"Oh, just checking up on him. He hasn't left his room in a few days, and I figured I'd bring him some soup." I fidgeted and looked at the floor, worried that he would make fun of my idea.

"That's very kind of you, Patton. Is he alright?" I looked up at Logan and saw concern in his eyes.

"He just has a bad cough. I told him that I'd tell you and Roman to leave him alone for a while so he can rest." I was grateful that Logan didn't think I was silly.

"I will make sure to leave him alone. His health is very important." 

"Great!" I grinned, giving him another hug. "Wish me luck with Roman!"

"You will be fine," Logan said, hugging me back. 


I skipped into the kitchen, seeing Roman digging through the fridge.

"Hi-ya Roman!" I called, stopping right next to him.

When he heard my voice, Roman flinched and hit his head on the fridge.

"Ow, shit"

"LANGUAGE!!!!" I scold, chuckling lightly.

"My apologies, Patton, you startled me greatly when you said my name," He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm sorry I startled you, Roman, there's just something I have to tell you. But first, let's get you some ice for your head."

I quickly got a towel and put some ice in it, handing it to a protesting Roman.

"No, Patton, I'm fine, really. It was just a little bump."

"Now Roman," I insisted, using my "Dad voice", as Roman liked to call it. "You hit your head pretty hard. You don't want it swelling up, do you?"

Roman sighed and took the ice, sitting on the island. "I guess not. Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah, that," I said, leaning against the counter. "Virgil's got a pretty bad cough, and I told him that I would tell you and Logan to leave him alone for a while so he can rest."

Roman scoffed, "Why would I want to go bother him? He bothers Thomas enough as it is. At least now he won't be able to offer his mopey-dopey input for a while. I don't like him."

Hearing Roman say that about my son broke my heart. I couldn't help but scold Roman, "Don't you go saying that about Virgil. He's just as important as the rest of us, and it's about time you realize that. You're always saying such cynical things about him, but he still has hope that you'll accept him one day. I hope that you do because this is the least princely thing you could do."

I ran out of the kitchen and to my room before I started to cry. I got to my room and collapsed on my bed, tears soaking my pillow. It hurt me to hear Roman talk about Virgil that way. I tried to stay positive that Roman would change, but that positivity was slowly withering away with each nasty comment. 

I knew that telling Roman he wasn't acting like a prince was low, but he needed to hear it because it was true. I've watched enough Disney movies to know that the prince is the one that is supposed to be there to help those in danger, not be the one to hurt others. I hoped that Roman had enough common sense to realize that.

A sharp knock on my door jarred me from my thoughts. I quickly wiped my cheeks and went to open the door, a huge grin plastered on my face.

I opened the door an inch and saw Logan's concerned face.

"Patton?" he whispered. "Are you ok? I heard the conversation you had with Roman."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied, praying that Logan would believe me.

Logan sighed, pushing the door open the rest of the way. "Did you really think that I would believe you, Patton? I may not be good at emotions, but I can tell that you were upset by what Roman said. You don't have to hide what you feel."

A few tears slipped down my cheek, and Logan's hand reached up to brush them away. "I just want him to realize that Virgil isn't a villain."


Hey y'all!!! I was feeling really motivated today, and I figured I'd get another chapter done while I still felt good. I don't know when the next chapter will be. It all depends on how I'm doing mentally and what school throws at me.

Again, a massive thank you to everyone who's read and voted on this book. You have no clue how honored I am to know that you guys are enjoying my crappy writing.

See you guys next chapter. And until then,

Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!!


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