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We were discharged today and i was happy to finally leave that hospital,i have been discharged few days ago, i just wait for snow, Scott drove us home with ammal and she help us settle in, scott had informed mohammad who is still in my room and won't come out....
So we were all waiting at the dining for food, when a lifeless mohammad walked in, he didn't notice us and walked past us, i don't know when the sob escaped my mouth, which gain his attention, snow white was by my side wearing a beanie and Scott was sitting opposite, we made my contact for what felt like forever, his red eyes drifted to snow white, then scan her over, though she was seated but it looked like he could see her soul, he did the same to me and i pray to never witness what happened next again, tears roll down his eyes as he kept staring at us....
"Mohammad" ammal called and he was lost in staring at us as tears roll down his cheeks, ammal turn him to her and he hugged her breaking down finally making me cry harder and snow white hold my hand tight, he cried like a baby, hiding his face in ammals neck, i got up and walk to him, i touched his back and he turn to me, he looked lean, his hair is all over the place and he even is growing beard his eyes are heavy and red...
"What did you do to yourself?" I asked quietly and he looked down at my stomach and then step back.... He walked away form me and i watch his retreating figure, then the door was slam shut again...
"I think he came down for water" Scott said breaking the silence.... He got up and head to the fridge grab water and apple juice before heading towards my room...

I get update from Scott and i know what they have been through, i mean i watched it right, i can't look at them without breaking down so its for all our own good to stay away from them, Scott told me they were being discharged today but he didn't tell me they are here, why would they come back here?
I see what was left of my daughter and wife and i know this is all my doing, a reckless mistake, i should have acted better, Nina would have never turn to what she is..... Everything i touch comes to ruin and to add salt to the injury my baby is gone, i..... There was a knock...
"Yes?" I called back..
"Its me" i heard Scott voice and i open up and glared at him...
"Why did you let them come here?" I snapped...
"Where should they go, this is there home" he badge past me and enter with a bottle of water and apple juice...
"Why are you avoiding them, they need you, trust me, you just saw the highlight of them" he snapped...
"I have seen enough" i snapped..
"Noor hair is gone man, and there is this dream hunting stitch on her head, seriously dude, they need you, ilham lost a baby, your baby, shouldn't they be avoiding you, you are the man, wake the fuck up and go stand by your family, she is still hiding the truth from her family, for you, she doesn't want to leave your sorry ass even though it almost cost her, her life, grow some fucking pairs and stand up, they need you" he said and i juts feel the impact of everything, she us still lying to her family? What if she is denying the truth or Nina didn't tell her who she was? No, she must have and noor? I just pictured her without the beanie, she looked like a walking bone, pale walking bone, i bit my lip hard...
"I will leave" i said...
"How the fuck did you come up with such conclusion?!' He snapped....
"I cant look at them!" I yelled and he shove me Against the wall holding me by my collar...
"Are you stupid? Do you want to lose your family?" He asked and i tried to push him away but his hold is like vice grip...
"Let me go" i said and he hold tighter...
"You are a fucking coward and i say Nina do you Good, you asshole" he spat and he shove me against the wall, he walked out and few minutes i heard the sound of his car...
"I have to go" i said my heart pounding against my ribs..
"They don't need me and i can't see them like that" i shake my head and turn but noor was standing by the door...
"Daddy" she called and walked up to me, she hugged me and hold onto me like her life depends on it and that does it, i can't leave my family.....
"Am sorry baby" i whispered as i kneel down and match her height......
We stay like that for few minutes and i pick her up and she was so light, i set her on the bed and sat opposite her....
"Are you feeling better?" I asked checking her eyes, she look away and smile......
"Am trying" she whispered, my poor girl, just 9 and have been at the claw of death twice....
"What are you feeling?" I asked and she let out a shaky breath..
"I don't know, sad, angry, i want it all to stop" she whispered quietly making me nervous....
"Baby it will all stop i promise to keep her in jail for good" i promised and she frowned...
"Mummy didn't know her, is she angry at us? For lying?" I feel the worry in her words and i hug her again.....
"Mummy love us"i said giving myself hope, right now i don't know how to face her...
"Snow" and i can't look up now....
"Ammal said to come eat" ilham whispered and noor pull away..
"OK mummy" she left and i felt ilham presence....
"Are you OK?" She asked and i laughed bitterly...
"You are asking the wrong question, aren't you curious?, i mean you lost a baby to someone you don't know, and shouldn't you be angry at me, may be leaving me? Why are you here ilham?, i am a liar, i lied, a lie that cost you a child, be angry, please tell me you are angry" i whispered the last part, it was quiet for seconds then i felt her pull me into a hug and i froze.........

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now