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I clutch the phone tightly before unlocking it...
"Before i moved here, he said things to me, he said he will taint my pure heart, he was in my room the night before i came here, and well he got my picture, he threatened to send it to my mom and tell her i send it to him, he said he will make me the dirtiest person and uhm, may be he is succeeding"i said nervously, what if he didn't like me any more? Its better to tell the truth right...
"Its OK, tell me" he said and i unlock my phone again and went to my chat with bilal, or messages bilal send me, i never replied any of them, just few plea for him to stop, i pass the phone to mohammad and look away from him biting my lip hard..... It was quiet and i really want him to say something, i heard him drop my phone on his desk....
"Why did you say that he is succeeding, you are still the innocent stubborn girl i know when i first met you" he said and i laughed ,if only he knows the thought in my mind...
"I have thoughts OK,i ran away last night because of my thoughts" i said still not facing him...
"its OK to have sexual thoughts"i winced...
"You are an adult, you are allowed to have those thoughts" he said...
"What matters is you didn't act on those thoughts, you control yourself" he said and i relaxed....
"I know, but those thoughts are frequent, like every day” i said and he stood next to me....
"It doesn't matter, but what i want to know is what do you want to do about this bilal" he asked...
"i want him to stop, i wish he would stop, do you know how every time someone even try to touch my phone, i freak out, and every time a text entered my phone my heart beat so fast it hurts"i said , he hummed....
"Will you tell your family?" He asked...
"i don't want to, it will blow big, hydar already hates him, my uncle will make this whole thing bigger than necessary, i just wish i could find a way to stop him without anyone knowing"i said and he walk away...
"Anything for you" he whispered and i turn to him, he pass me my phone..
"Unlock it" he said and i did...
"It will stop" he said and i frown as i see him type on my phone and  then smile at me as he pass me the phone, he send a message to bilal....
"Enough is enough" was all it said and o frown, that won't make him stop...
"Hey harry" he said into his phone...
"I need a favor" he said and smile at me...
"Just scare someone" he reply and i raised my brow at him...
"Thanks" he said, my phone beeped and it was a message form bilal...
"I get to say when i stop, it is a promise i made and i will fulfill it, i just get started" i looked at mohammad who smile and took the phone..
"He took the bait" he said..
"i just need him to confirm he is abusing you" he said and i smile a little seeing his logic, we talk a little, he told me little about himself and he was January born, with me nothing could go wrong, so he said... a knock on his door and it opened revealing a guy, with stormy grey eyes and pouty lips, his eyes looks calm but his face speaks stay away bad, he wasn't all that big, low hair cut, he was wearing a hood and ripped jeans, he looks cute..
"Whats up man" he said shaking mohammad..
"Harry" mohammad said.. Harry looked at me..
"You are different" his gray eyes scanning me from head to toe...
"Um" i said and he smirked..
"Cute and different" he replied...
"And taken" mohammad said and harry laughed...
"I know" he said finally looking away from me..
"What do you want" he said to mohammad..
"I need someone to back off"mohammad said looking at me for confirmation and i nod, harry rolled up his sleeve to reveal tattoo..
"What type of threat?" he said sitting back..
"Any type" mohammad replied..
"not life threatening" i quickly add and harry smirked at me..
"Babe, i do life threatening" he said and my eyes went wide... He then laughed...
"You should see your face" he said...
"I like her" he told mohammad who sigh...
"The person, and why am i doing this?" He asked and mohammad turn to me again, and i gave him my phone, harry whistled , the start texting on my phone, he looked serious, he will smirk at some point and then, grin, he looks weird, he gave me back my phone with a wink and stood up..
"It will be done, you owe me though" he said to mohammad as he walk out, i quickly looked at my phone and i gasped, he have make it look like i arranged a meeting with bilal, i some kind of hotel..
"I trust him" mohammad said and i nod...
"Are you hungry?" He asked and i nod..
"Yeah" he smiled at me and walk out, leaving me alone with my thoughts, i hope i am not making a mistake......
After eating, we picked snow white up and she was so happy i was there i cant help but imagine what her reaction will be when we tell her we could get married....
That night, bilal said he will be waiting for me at the hotel and will text me my room, then it hit me, why will i do? How will harry know, so i called mohammad and he text me harry"s number which i called and he said to text him the room number...
Bilal will fly all the way here because of sex? Ewww .... I thought. Then i wondered what will happen to him, will harry kill him?, will harry beat him up?, uhg, this so stressful.............

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now