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3rd persons POV
"Daddy?" Nadia called her dad..
"Yes noor" he answered
"Will mummy hate me now?" She said and for the second time that night...
"She loves you" he said and she nods..
"What if Nina comes back" and that made mohammad drop his fork and turn to his daughter ...
"Is this about your dream?" He asked and she sob then nod...
"There was so much blood, mummy won't answer me" she sobbed again and he shivered, he will keep them save even if its the last thing he did, they wont suffer for his mistake......
"She was hurt because of me" nadia sobbed into her dads chest...
"Nothing will happen to you noor" he said...
"What about mummy?" She asked....
"Nothing will happen to her too" he said smiling...
"Wanna go talk to her?" He asked and she shook her head quickly...
"Why?" He asked and she looked away, it was quiet and that was all for that night.... The next day wasn't different still the silent treatment and today it was a morning session....
"Nadia, have you talked to mummy yet?" Lisa asked and Nadia shook her head no..
"Why?, are you scared she will get hurt if you keep talking to her?" Lisa asked and Nadia shook her head no again...
"Then why?" Lisa asked and Nadia sobbed...
"I made daddy yelled at her, am a bad person" she said hiding her face in her hands and Lisa smiled...
"Sweety, couples fight, whether it because of you or not, they always fight" Lisa said and nadia shook her head...
"They don't laugh as before, she doesn't eat with us too" Nadia said with a pout and Lisa laughed...
"What if she just want to give you your own space?" Lisa said and Nadia looked up with a smile...
"Really?" She asked hopefully..
"Yes, because she understood you like no other person did" Lisa said and Nadia turn sad again remembering last night when she heard their conversations with her dad..
"I am a bad person, she loves me and i made her cry" she said...
"You are not a bad person OK, now cheer up, its Friday and today is your birthday" Lisa said and Nadia nods a little, they walked out and met mohammad...
"Hey noor" he called and she walk up to him and hold his hand...
"Is your wife home?"Lisa asked once Nadia is in the car and he nods...
"Perfect see you tomorrow" she said and he nods.......
The door bell rings and ilham open up to see beautiful corporately dressed woman...
"Hi, Lisa, Nadia therapist" the woman introduced and ilham smiled..
"Ilham" she said allowing the woman to walk in..
"Can i offer you anything?" She asked and Lisa smiled..
"Won't be here for long" she replied...
"So Nadia is going through a lot on her own, she thinks she is a bad person because she made her dad yelled at you" lisa goes straight to the point and ilham gave her a small smile...
"I just want her to be alright" ilham said...
"When she gets home, just talk to her" Lisa said...
"She won't even spare me a glance" ilham replied...
"That is because she is still feeling guilty" Lisa said and stood up...
"She really loves you and am glad you showed up, i see a lot of changes, she open up easily" Lisa said and walk to the door...
"Today is her birthday, just surprise her" Lisa added and left a smiling ilham, its still 10 and Nadia closes by 2..... An idea popped into ilhams head and she rushed out to Nadia school.....

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now