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Longest flight of my life
Thank to the addressed i drilled out of ammal the first day she told me my noor was at ilham, so i took a taxi and head there, when i got there i walked into the shop and the workers stare at me...
"Am here for Nadia"i said and one of them walk to the door behind and came back with Nadia and a girl cute but i am here for Nadia..
"Daddy" she run to me and hug me, i hug back and pull her at arms length......
"Why didn't you tell me?"i said dragging the sleeve of her shirt up and there it was, i bit my lip, she pulled her arm away and step back...
"She promise no to tell you" she whimpered...
"Why?"i said my voice raising a little and she step back again..
"Am sorry daddy" she said...
"Don't apologize, tell me why the hell did you hurt yourself?!" I said and noor moved behind the girl scared...
"Hmm, sorry to interrupt but take is easy and don't use curse words, she is 8" this girls said and i glare at her...
"I wasn't talking to you"i said to her and she glared back...
"You are in my shop and you are scaring her, i don't care if you are her father but take a chill pill" she said and i was taken aback, i looked at noor she looked scared... I walked out and run my hands through my hair... I pace front of the shop.... After what felt like forever, i saw the girl walked out and cross her arms over her chest and i just saw how nice she looks, but i don't care...
"Look, its not something fun to find out that your 8 years old is hurting but, you need to approach her in a calm way, if you really want her to open up" she said and i nod..
"Thank, sorry about all that"i said  and she nods..
"I will go talk to her" she said and i gave her a small smile.........
I waited for few more minutes and she came back with noor holding her hand.....
"Its OK" she said and noor walked up to me, i kneel down and smile at her..
"Am sorry i yelled at you" i said to her and she hug me..
"Are you still mad at me?" She asked and i shook my head..
"You know how we use to work those panics out?" I asked and she nods..
"We will work this out, i promise" i said to her rubbing her arm...
"I won't do it again" she whispered and i smile...
"When ever you feel like doing it talk to me" i said and she nods..
"Daddy?" She called and i hmmmm..
"Can i stay with anty ilham?" She asked and i looked at ilham who was frowning and mumbling to herself...
"I ...... I want to spend sometime with you"i replied and she grin..
"OK daddy" she pull away and rushed to ilham who faked a smile and hugged her, i watch as i see what ammal was talking about, my noor never wants to see any woman older than her inches away from her, she is OK with them far away but close she go into scared mood and have panic attack....
"see you soon, ok" i heard her said and noor waved at her...... She smiled at me..
"Its going to work out" was what ilham said to me and i have never heard anyone tell me that, any stranger, if she had told me this like 7 years ago, i would have thought different of women but they are all the same, coming into your life with fake humanity and ruining it the moment they got what they want....
"Hmm"i said and i watch her smile dropped what was she expecting?.....
"Bye" i watch noir wave before we walk away,i board the taxi and gave him the home address, once at home, ammal got shock and i had to tell her everything and i watched her break down again... Sometimes i regret my decisions.... I blame myself for whatever we were going through... It was hard getting ammal to calm down and then there is noor too, she kept quiet and i don't like that........
It was night and i was in bed when the door opened...
"Daddy?"i heard noor call me and i sat up..
"Yes noor" i said and she climbed into bed and from the look on her face she cant sleep..
"I can't sleep" she said and i pull her to me, hugging her...
"Why?" I said and she shrugged...
I lay her down and run my hands through her hair...
"can we go to anty ilham tomorrow?" I heard her ask and i sigh..
"You want to go to her?"i asked and she nod..
"i like her" i heard my daughter mumbled and that made me o happy
"We will go noor, so sleep fro now so we can go early" i said and she nod...
"Good night noor" i said and she yawned..
"Good night daddy"she replied and i keep playing with her hair till she fall asleep........

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now