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Walking into the house, i heave a sigh, my day ended dramatically..
"Salam" i called
"Walaiki salam, whats up" hydar passed me and walked towards the kitchen,he stopped and turn back to me...
"Umma went to uncle  house"he said and i nod, uncle is dads elder brother...
"Are you OK?" He asked and i shook my head no...
"Let me guess snow white?" He asked and i nod.... He sigh and walk to the kitchen, i head to my room and shower,i changed and walk back into the room to see hydar with 2 plates of food...,he pat the bed and told me to sit..
"So what went wrong today?" He asked as he shove food in his mouth, i gave him a dirty look and he raised his brow ...
"So her dad was around" i said and he use his hand to gesture for me to continue..
"He came to ask her why she hurt herself"i said and he stopped chewing,he raised his finger to silence me, swallowed......
"What?! As in self harm?" He asked and i sigh and nod...
"How old is she again?" He asked
"8"i said...
"Uhmm, ok, should we be worried about you?" He asked and i eye him..
"Meaning?' I said..
"You get emotional ,like a lot and i don't want you getting any idea"he said and i pull my lips into a thin line...
"You think i will get depressed ko? With your head the size of Jupiter" i said clicking my tongue...
"Hey,we cant be too cautious and kin san you can talk to me about anything right?" He asked and i sigh...
"OK, Dr hydar, i will tell you the moment i feel like killing myself"i said with and eye roll and i noticed what i said,i look to him he was giving me a calculative look...
"Oh my God, i am not depressed OK?, and am not killing myself either, so, shu, let me eat"i said telling him to go away, which he refuse,we ate in silence as i think back to snow white a lot of things don't add up, i can only guess, may be they were in an accident, her mom died but who hurt her then, because she can't just hurt herself because she lost her mom right? then i groan....
"I swear you are not sleeping alone if you keep mumbling and groaning" i heard hydar said and i was going to reply,when the door was knocked we looked at each other and he look like he didn't want to get the door..
"So you want me to go get the door at 8 in the night, when umma is not around and it could be an armed robber or...."he cut me off by getting up, i smirked to myself...
"Wipe that smirk off"he said from somewhere and i made faces at the door.........
A little ruckus at the door,had me going to check, i saw hamid and i glare at hydar....
"Really hydar?" I asked...
"What?" He said defending himself and walking away...
"Hi"i said...
"Don't hi me, ilham, who is this?" He asked shoving his phone in my face and i saw a picture of me and mohammad, before Nadia join us....
"OK first of, this so not what it looked like and where you spying on me?"i asked, a little annoyed...
"You have been ignoring me for the past week, what was i suppose to do? And what does it look like, are you seeing someone."he asked
"No am not seeing  someone"i said and he sigh..
"Explain this then!" He snapped...
"Hey! No yelling at her, if you want to talk like a dog, please step out and stop barking in her face" hydar said and i face palmed..
"Hydar!"i said with a warning tone...
"He is the father of a friend"i said and he laughed...
"Tell me is this your friend 2 years old?, because he looked way too young to be any of your friends dad"he said and i sigh...
"OK, if you don't want to listen, then don't make me explain"i said and he raised his brow..
"Oh! You are even starting to get defensive with me, were did the little obedient ilham go?" He asked like i was a child..
"Excuse me?"i asked..
"See, you never reply me in such manner, which means something is up"he said and i laughed, he looked confused...
"get out"i said pointing at the door..
"Really?"he said and i raised brow, i swear hydar is doing a happy dance behind me...
"If you think i am some stupid dog that obey everything you say then ,you must have mistake my respect for you as something else" i said..
"Fine! I was actually getting angry at you stupid brothers attitude, stay at home till you are 40, no one is going to marry you with such attitude" he said and my mouth is wide open, he said what?
"She will, we love her that way, go marry someone without self respect!" Hydar yelled, did i tell you he can be a child some times?.......
I close the door...
"Could this day get any worst?" I asked and hydar gave me a pointed look..
"I think your day just got better" he said and i sigh...
"I could slap you right now, i just had a break up"i said storming to my room....
I cry to sleep that night and refuse to come out the next morning, hydar had bang my door several times but i didn't open the door...
"I am going to work" he called, i heard his foot step disappear and i turn on my bed pulling the cover over my head......

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now