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Well i received the hotel room number and forward it to harry, he didn't reply but i know he have seen it, mohammad came over and talk to my uncle, he just said hi to me and d went off with my uncle..... Waiting for Harry's message was the longest wait of my life, after what felt like years but it was just hours, i received a message from harry ..
"Done😁😁😁😁" he texted and i frown..
"How?" I asked
"Don't want to know babe" he said and i roll my eyes..
"Thanks"i texted..
"😍😍😍" he texted and i laughed, i texted mohammad..
"Harry said done"i texted but there was no reply, so my over thinking self almost got a high blood pressure when he didn't reply till around 8pm.
"Sorry love, was busy today, harry texted me too and we need to talk" he said and when i saw the message my brain was stuck on "sorry love"
"OK, thanks again"i texted back...
"Anything for you "he texted back..
"How was your day?"
"Stressful but i get to talk to you now" he replied..
"Hope you are not too exhausted?"
"You just took that away" he said and i roll my eyes, sweet mouth much...
"What do you want to talk about?"
"Our marriage" he said.
"Umh, OK, was that what you discussed with my uncle?" I asked..
"Yeah" he replied...
"Can i hear your voice?" He texted and i grin..
"Yeah" and my phone lit up, i smile as i swipe to pick....
"Hey baby" he sounded so tired...
"Hi"i whispered and he sighed...
"I really wish i could spend today with you" he said into the phone..
"Lets see, today is Friday, so weekend, sunday"i said...
"OK, your voice is so sweet" he said and i giggled...
"Sweet mouth"i said rolling my eyes....
"Only for my baby" he said, then he yawned...
"You should get some rest"i said...
"Already taking care of me" he murmured and i giggled again...
"You are welcome" i said..
"Good night"i added.
"No good night kisses?" he asked and i blush...
"go joor"i said and he laughed...
"Good night baby" he said to the phone before cutting the call and i was grinning from ear to ear, he is sweet, handsome, hot and he likes me.... I just hit a jack pot......
The next day after my prayer uncle send Abdul to call me, i met him and aunty laila in the living room, Abdul sat down too...
"Yesterday i received 2 good news, the best was later in the evening.." Uncle said and i have a feeling i know...
"Miraculously bilal said he isn't interested again and mohammad said he wants to get married to you" uncle said and i would have jump up in joy but i kept my cool.......
"Can never be happier but isn't it too fast with mohammad?" Aunty lailah asked..
"Apparently they have met in Nigeria, spend few times together and he said he wouldn't settle for anything else" uncle said and Abdul nudge me...
"Well, i will call your mom and let her know, and set a date for everything" uncle said..
"I am going to start designing your wedding dresses and all" anty laillah beamed..
"And i am going to be the driver of the year" Abdul added...
"And you get to live close to us"uncle added and i laughed...........
While i chatted hydar and tell him that update, i was so happy, hydar called instantly and wouldn't shut up about he told me so.......on Sunday
i was ready and mohammad was by the door, i said my good bye to all and walked out with mohammad, i was wearing an abaya and a veil...
"Morning"i said quietly and he grin at me...
"Slept well?x he asked as he opened my door for me and i blushed....
"Thanks"i said getting into the car, he followed..
"my night was fine, yours?" I asked...
"Couldn't stop thinking of a certain someone"he said putting his seatbelt on...
"Lucky her"i said...
"Or lucky me" he said as he pull out of the drive way...
"So i believe your uncle talked to you" he said...
"Yeah, miraculously bilal isn't interested anymore"i said almost bouncing on my seat...
"And he haven't texted "i added and he laughed...
"Good to know, now back to us, there are 7 months for this month to end, which would your prefer to become Mrs mohammad?" He asked casually and i shrugged...
"I think in the next 2 months"he said and i gasped..
"but its so close"i said and he grin...
"Just work on your beauty, not like you needed to and i will handle the rest" he said and i roll my eyes...
"Where are we going?" I asked and he grin...
"Patience" he said and i groan...
"I don't have one"i said and he laughed...
"So is 2 months OK?" He asked..
"Anything you say, uhm have you tell snow white?" I asked and he smile...
"I asked if she wants a mummy and she said anty ilham is enough" he said shaking his head and i laughed..
"You still need to tell her though" i said and he grin..
"I have it planned out" he replied with a smirk and i eye him suspiciously "what are you planning?" I asked
"Patience" he said just as he pull into a restaurant parking space.........
"Well i have to go in, wait here" he said walking away not even letting me ask question, so i waited and play with my phone...
"Hey ham"i looked up and saw max, ...
"Hey, whats up?" I asked and he laughed....
"What are you doing here?" He asked and i shrugged...
"Am here with someone and i don't know what am doing here"i said and he laughed....
"Lets go in" he said
"I was asked to stay here" i said and he roll his eyes..
"Babe, let's go in, he can call you when we get in" max said and i roll my eyes...
"OK" we walked in and i was tackled into a hug, snow white was there grinning from ear to ear...
"Mummy" she called and i bend to her height....
"What?" Then i heard a whistle, i looked up and saw Scott, Abdul, anty lailah and other new faces, then on one knee is mohammad who had a dazzling smile and i covered my mouth trying not to cry......
"Will you be my mummy" snow wjite asked and i let the tears flow, i pull her into a hug before lifting her off the floor and carrying her to meet her dad who was still on one knee..
"Hey" he whisper...
"Hi"i said and he grin, snow white wriggle to come down and i let her down, she stood near her dad...
"When i first saw you, it was under a difficult situation, someone else would have let me and my daughter be but you stood for her, as a mother should, at that moment i knew i felt something,i just don't know what, then you warm your way into my heart, i see all i needed in a woman, we saw how you are all we need and more" he said gesturing to snow white and himself..
"I love you so much, even though i don't deserve you, i will be selfish and have you for myself, now and always, in health and in sickness, rich or poor, happy or sad, so we will like to ask you to do us the honour of being a wife, mother and caretaker, God knows we cant live without you, i cant live without my noor and my noor cant live without her fairy godmother" he said then paused..
"will you have us?" He asked and i nod..
"yes"i said with a cracking voice, he slip a very beautiful ring on my finger and hug me tight..
"I love you" he whispered into my ear and i cry harder, am emotional i know..
"I love you too, both of you"i said looking down at snow white...
"Awwwww, my baby is all grown up" anty laila said and then turn her tab to me, umma and hydar are on video call..
"Hey sister"hydar beamed and umma was crying too...
"May you be happy always" she said and i laughed wiping my tears..
"Amen umma"i said to the phone...
"Hey"i turn to scott to see ammal on his own tab, she was all tears and smile..
"Thank you ilham" she said wiping her tears and i laughed...
"The pleasure is all mine" i replied, i hey congrats and saw Anna, she hugged me and then harry took turn, after many hugs and congrats, there was music and we dance to a slow dance, then i had my moment with snow white...... After we ate and i have never feel loved in my entire life, the ring on my finger was sparkling and i know it cost a fortune, i have never seen mohammad laughed so hard or smile so much in one day but am happy he is happy.......

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now