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"Seriously, all your decision have been great, but he is the worst of anything you have done, even when you broke my PS" hydar said, hamid wanted to hang out tomorrow but i told him i have other plans so, he left but hydar wont stop bugging me..
"Tell me 2 reason he is not good for me" i said as i stand by my door..
"He is arrogant! Self centered and a two faced son of a bi......."
"Hey!" I cut him off...
"Seriously hydar!" i said slamming the door in his face... What is his problem... Hamid is arrogant? He is nothing but humble with me, i know hydar is just being an over protective brother but all those Insulting names makes me feel sad, i just want them to get along!
The next morning i woke up with a smile, i got out of bed, and prayed before getting ready for my fun filled day, wearing a palazzo trouser and a chiffon top tucked in, i grab my veil,bag,phone and car keys, i rushed down the stair and then at the last landing i paused, so, hamid was standing there with hydar glaring at him....
"UHmm......."i said gaining their attention..
"Hamid? What are you doing here?, not offense" i asked and he badge pass hydar and stop few inches away from me...
"You said you have something plan out for today just want to see what it is?' He said and i raised my brow at him..
"And why is that?" I asked walking to the kitchen to see umma bless her soul, have already fried the samosa for me, we only made the dough, fill it and put it in the freeze last night.
"Good morning umma"i said hugging her from the back..
"Morning baby girl" she greeted me. I pull away and put the cupcake in the pack, she helped me pack the samosa and i grab the drinks, i hurried out of the kitchen with snacks and drinks...
"Hydar! i need my laptop"i called and he smiled..
"to make up for yesterday,even though am right, i put it in your car and i also wash the car" he said placing his hand on my shoulder and walking me to the living room where Hamid was...
"Can we talk now?" He asked...
"I promise later, we can go watch the movies and then we will talk" i said pleadingly....
"So whatever you are planning today is way important than me?" He asked and hydar snort beside me making me elbow him....
"Don't say that" i said as umma appeared behind me..
"oh Hamid, didn't know you are here, Allah, ilham you are still here?" She asked and i offered hamid an apologetic smile before rushing out of the house.......
Thought i was late but thank God i wasn't, i set up my little cinema in my office, i shove the desk forward and spread my prayer mat there, and place the pillows there, set up the laptop and snacks before heading back to the lounge, was just going to sit down, when ammal appear with my beautiful snow white...
"Good morning ammal"i said and she hugged me...
"Good morning my dear, I've brought you your friend, she woke me up at 4" Ammal said and i laughed...
"Hey snow white" i greeted her as i bend to her height and she surprise me by hugging me and whispering a quiet hey in my ear.
"Masha Allah" ammal said with a happy smile and i returned it....
"I should get going then, just call me when you are done" ammal said and i wave her off...
"i dont mind,i will bring her home"i said...
"You will do that?" She aksed and i nod...
"Don't stress yourself, you should just relax"i said and she smile ...
"Thanks dear" she said and we walk her to her car, after seeing her drive off, i looked down at Nadia and grin, she grin back....
"Let's go watch all the Disney movies"i said and she nod.
So here we are, after 5 princesses movie we doze off, I've told my workers that i am taking today off, so, they didn't bother me.....
When i open my eyes, the movie is still playing and Nadia is sleeping peacefully, her top have ridden up so i reached to pull it down ,that's when i saw the scars, i frown and pull her shirt up further, and i covered my mouth, 2 long deep cuts, that looked like it was stitched, it runs all the way from her shoulder to her waist, i pull it down quickly and i looked at her face, was she in a car accident? I looked at her and pout, imagining what she have gone through, she is just 8, i know cause ammal told me....
It must have hurt so bad... I shake it off and got up, i prayed my asr prayer and when i was done i saw her sitting up, she smile at me..
"I want to pray too" she said and i laughed..
"Of course" i help her with her ablution and wait for her to round up her prayer, after she was done, she yawned.
"Are you hungry?" I asked and she gave me a duh look... And we both burst out laughing..
"OK, let go get some food and ice cream" i said and she frowned...
"Dad don't let me take ice cream, the doctor said i should not take anything too cold" she said and i frown ,who don't let kids take ice cream? That is like the best part of childhood...
"Why?" I asked and she shrugged....... I stare at her sad and she grin, she grab my hand and pull..
"Lets go eat" she whined and i laughed...
"Lets go" she skipped her way out and i just feel more sad, she is so innocent....
We had a lot of fun and she can talk your ear off, she gist me about her friends, her school teacher who make eyes at her father when he comes to pick her up or is at the PTA, and that crack me up, we will laugh at silly things people do and it was like i was in heaven. After we had launch, and since she cant take ice cream, we took, a lot of chocolate , i bought her her own collection of different chocolate, we walked around the mall and ,i bought her a teddy bear and a chain with N pendant.....
"I love it" she said making the shop keeper laugh...
"Its suits you" she told her and she smiled shyly...
We walk to my car and it was quiet..... She was looking out the window and humming let it go, so being a sucker for Disney i have some songs on my phone so i plug it in and we sing along, messing up some lyrics and she have a voice of gold...
Following the address ammal gave me, i stopped at the house and the gate was opened for us, i walk her to the door and ammal open it for us, she talked excitedly and ammal will glance at me with a grateful smile...
"She bought me, necklace and teddy bear, we watch a lot of movies, she liked moana too and she knows how to sing the song, and ...."ammal hugged her with tears in her eyes...
"Am happy you had fun, your dad have been calling me non stop he wants to talk to you" Ammal said, hiding her tears and Nadia ran off to God knows where to make call may be...
"Are you OK?" I asked ammal concerned and she hugged me, i felt her tears through my top...
"Thank you" was all she said and i was confused but i know it had to do with the story of Nadia scars....

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now