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I was quiet thinking and he stepped forward, i stepped back, he step forward again and use the back of his hand to brush my cheeks...
"Because i have feelings for you" he said my brain was in frenzy, he what? He is so handsome, hot and he have feelings for me?, as in me?, i looked up at him, he was inches away then i swallowed...
"You don't need to answer me now, just give me a chance, give us a chance" he said searching my eyes and i stared at his which didn't help my beating heart, we stayed like that for long and then bilal popped into my mind, then i have this weird thought, dirty thoughts with mohammad and i did what my brain told me to, i ran out, i heard him call after me but i didn't stop till i was out of the gate, i stopped to catch my breath then i felt his hand on my elbow, i jumped...
"Am sorry, did i say anything wrong?" He asked and i shook my head...
"No....i.... I just, can you take me home?" I asked quickly and he frown
"OK" he said and then turn in, i watched him walk out and after few minutes he came back with the car, he opened the door for me and i hesitated but got in anyway, he shot the door and entered the driver side and turn to me...
"Why did you run?" He asked and i looked down...
"I... Um, no reason"i said looking out the window , is not like i will tell him i had a dirty thought which involve him, that will be too embarrassing...
"I mean what i said earlier" he said quietly and i smiled at him..
"Why?" I asked...
"You are different" was all he said and he made a call to one of the security and then we drove off... When we got home, Abdul was pacing the front door and i felt bad, once he saw me, he open the car door and pull me out, he checked me up and frown..
"Am OK Abdul"i said..
"What took you so long?" He whined and i grin..
"I feel loved"i said elbowing him and turning to Muhammad, i waved him off with a smile and he drove away... Lets just say i was all smile that night, i couldn't sleep, mohammad have feelings for me and i was able to successfully ignore bilal's text messages.....
The next morning, i opened my eyes for starters smiling at the ceiling, i woke up and prayed, took my bath and get ready for the boutique,i actually was feeling so happy this morning,that i practically hop my way to the living room, but stopped in my track when i saw the familiar head of mohammad and i paused, no one saw me yet...
"What do you want with ilham?" Anty laillah asked.....
"Do you like her?" Her eyes narrow and he cleared his throat...
"I was here to ask for your permission on that" he said and i felt someone tap my shoulder, i turn to see Abdul raise a brow and i shush him....
"She is a very good and nice girl with a very good heart, what do you intend to do with her, because so help me God i can't have you hurting any of my kids again" she glared then rub her tummy....
"I promise i mean no harm, i just, as you said she is a good girl, and have a heart of gold, that is why i need her, actually me and my daughter need her" he said and i looked to Abdul who look thoughtful...
"As long as she agrees" was my uncles respond and i walk into the living room...
"Good morning uncle, anty lailah"i said and they grin at me, then turn back to mohammad...
"Hi"i said shyly and he gave me a small smile...
"Well"i turn to Abdul and he walk to mohammad...
"Am going to pretend to like you, but if she cry because of you....." He left the word hanging and turn away, he kissed anty lailah on the cheek and rub her belly...
"Am off mum" he said and uncle pat his shoulder,Abdul walked up to me and smile, before flicking my nose...
"Uncle"i whined...
"Not getting between you 2" he said laughing...
"Am not getting in either" anty lailah said, i heard the culprit laugh as he walk out of the house, the two people i called parents not so subtly left me and mohammad, who was gawking at me and i smile...
"Will you come with me? To my office that is" he asked and i looked up at him, he is giving me a look i don't wish he stopped i looked down and nod...
"OK" i said and he got up...
"I will be waiting outside" he said and i smile, i went and bid my uncle and aunt bye before walking out the front door and into his car, i don't know names of car....
"Tell me something about yourself" he said calmly as he drive us to his office, it was weird ,he is taking me to his office not some date.....
"uhm, my name is ilham, 24,will be 25 on march 29, hausa, i love Disney, i love reading fiction, i can be indecisive and i change my mind a lot" i said...
"That's cool" he said switching gear..
"Anything you don't like?" He asked...
"Yeah, lies" i said and his hold on the steering wheel clench...
"What can you never forgive" he asked and i frown...
"I don't know, i can forgive easily but i never forget" i said frowning, there was a silence, it wasn't comfortable....
"Are you ticklish?" He suddenly ask and i laughed...
"Yeah"i said and he smile...
"Favorite colour?" He asked and i think about it...
"I don't have one, but brown, blue looks good on me" i said...
"Everything looks good on you" he said it casually and i was a blushing mess...
"So, anything special that move you?" He asked...
"Anything, as long as its thoughtful and kind" i said...
"My perfect kind of girl" he whispered as he pull i front of a tall building, my door was opened for me by someone and it was scott...
"He really brought you" he said and i laughed...
"Good morning to you too" i replied...
"And i want us to have all the privacy" he said tossing the car key to a young guy and we walk into the building, everyone bow in respect or straighten up, i was giving intimidating look and i want to shrink into the ground... So many people in suit... And did i tell you how hot mohammad looks in suit, he look taller and bigger and his hair as usual is in perfect man bun...
"This is the Lobby" he spoke up as the three of us get into the elevator, it went up and up and stopped at the top floor...
"And this is where my office is, i have a secretary and Scott here with me" he said and i look around, it was spacious and sophisticated....
"Will be in my office" scott said giving me a small smile and walking away....
"Good morning sir" a girl greeted, she looks beautiful and her smile wasn't fake, she turn to me and gave me the same smile...
"Good morning"i greeted her and she extend her hand for a hand shake...
"Anna" she said.
"Ilham"i replied and she smile...
"Sir, the files are here" she said giving it to him...
"Send all work to Scott and clear my schedule for the day" he said and she looked at me again, then nod..
"yes sir" she turn away with the file and i was walk into a very big office, with shelf ceiling high and a very large long window that is behind the desk, i walk up to it and it have a beautiful view of the city...
"Nice view"i said and turn to him, he was giving me that intense look from morning again...
"I really like you ilham"he said my name so gently and i look back at the window...
"I like you too"i said still looking out of the window too shy to look at him...
"But you don't even know me" he said and i nod...
"i don't but you don't either, i know you enough to know you won't do anything on purpose to hurt me" i said turning to him and he walk closer to me...
"i will never hurt you intentionally" he said and i nod....
"If i ask you to marry me, will you?" He whisper and i stare up at him with my mouth wide open...
"I..." He smile...
"I don't need an answer now" he said and i looked at him again...
"You really want to marry me?" I asked shocked and he nod...
"I do, ideal wife, perfect mother and cute" he said grinning and i roll my eyes am anything but cute...
"I don't know, um, can you let me talk this with the family?" I said and he grin...
"Are you asking for permission from them?" He asked and i nod...
"Does that mean you agree to marry me?" He asked and i turn out to look at the window...
"Yeah"i said quietly.....
"You don't know how happy i am, ammal will be the happiest" he said and i smile then remember Nigeria ,then remember bilal...
"You should know i am here escaping my marriage to my cousin"i said quietly
"Am i too late?" He asked...
"No, i don't want to marry him, you've met him once" i said and he nods...
"Why didn't you want to marry him?" He asked and i laughed bitterly...
"For starters he drugged me once and he is rude...... He umh..." I paused looking down at my feet...
"He didn't rape you right?" He asked and i quickly shook my head...
"No, he didn't"i said and he looked relieved ..
"what again did he do?" He asked and i bit my lip, i could tell him, max said to tell someone but max meant family right?, i have not deleted his recent messages and images, i need prove if i want to bring him down...
"Ilham" i heard him call and i look up.....
"It's OK if you don't want to tell me" he said and i sigh, bringing out my phone........

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now