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At the police station, i recognise her and, i was told to go back home and wait for their call, so i stopped at the pizza place to get ilham some, she loved them, i pull over at the house gate and the securities are gone, OK... This made my heart beat fast...... No, they are fine, i walked towards the front door and see it opened a little....
"Babe?" I called and nothing, i dropped the pizza and rushed in, there is a broken vase and a message....
"Don't bother looking for them" the message read and i called the cops then Scott....
This is the second day and i am pacing in front of the cops.... They are in my house as they are searching for them....
"Mohammad, you've got to see this" Scott called and i walked to them,my blood runs cold as i see my two girls all bloodied and tied up...
"This just went on social media" the cops said and i was shaking in fear...
"Are they alive" i asked...
"Not sure" was their reply...
"I need to go find then, i know the places she use to be, "i said quickly...
"Why didn't you say so early" they questioned as we rushed out...
We've checked every where i know her to stay but nothing...
"Am sorry" i cried as i sat on the floor, i feel useless, we've been searching for days now....
"There is a video address to your mail" Scott called and i looked at him, he looked exhausted, while i was mopping around.....
I followed him and i wish i didn't, i watched as my pregnant wife was being kicked over and over again, she cried out in pain holding and trying to protect her belly that was being kicked, then i saw the background,....
"I know this place" i said wiping my tears...
"Its an old tattoo place, out side town" i said and we went there... I was asked to wait outside, but i could not stand still, Scott had to hold me back....
The wait felt forever and i watched as they carried my two girls on a stretcher and i rushed to them....
"Baby" i stopped ,they all looked.... Dead?.
"No!" I cried holding my head...
"They are alive but in critical condition, you helped safe them" Scott said but i wasn't even listening i was watching Nina and her mate being shoved in a police car........
"They are alive?" I asked and he nod...
"Lets go with them" he said and i nod, we drove to the hospital and i sat down on the floor....
"I will fucking kill you" i looked up to see Abdul and his parents walk towards me, i stood up and he grab me before punching me, i deserve that..
"Abdul, stop this instant!" His mother snapped and he stopped....
"Go out and calm down" she said giving him a stern look....
"Why didn't you tell us?" She asked grabbing my arm and i don't have an answer....
"Lailah calm down" her husband said and she let me go before holding her stomach...
"i think the baby is coming" she said and i looked at her, baby? Ilham lost hers because of me......
"Lets go then" he helped her towards a nurse and i walk out of the hospital, i heard Scott call but i didn't turn, i don't deserve to have a family........
The beeping of machine was too loud, and the person holding my hand might as well break it, i tried to remove my hand but it only twitched, i open my eyes and was staring back at my twin, i blink again, why is he here, i turn my head and saw snow white with oxygen mask and a bandage around her head and chest, Scott and Lisa were sitting beside her.... What happened...
"Sis? Can you here me?" He asked and i nod, something felt wrong...
"Let me get the doctor" he rushed out and Scott came over with his sister...
"Ilham" she called quietly and i turn to her, her eyes held pity, why is she looking at me like that...... Something is wrong, may it because of the pregnancy, did i pass out again?, i reached for my belly and it was flat, i sat up fast and the pain that shut up my chest was so painful and everything came rushing back, i tasted blood and i didn't know what happened next cause i blacked out......
I opened my eyes and this time the tears just flowed i feel a part of me missing, the pain flashed in my eyes and i remember how i begged for my child's life as i was being kicked continuously, it was the most painful thing I've felt.......
"Don't cry"i turn my head to see a pouting hydar, his eyes were puffy also...
"Where is mohammad?" I asked and he glared at me...
"He should stay away as far as he can" hydar said harshly ...
"Did he know?" I asked...
"I told him"i turn to see a tired Scott sitting by snow white and the tears flow again...
"Why is she still sleeping?" I asked....
"She is in a comma" hydar replied and i looked at all the wires hooked to her, she is receiving blood...
"I couldn't stop them" i sobbed...
"Please don't say that" hydar begged gripping my free hand...
"where is mohammad?"i asked again, he should be here....
"He........ He haven't come out for a week now, he shut us out" Scott replied and my heart clenched, he couldn't come check on us?...
"Where is umma?" I asked...
"She and ammal went to help anty lailah, she put to bed" he said and i placed my hand on my stomach, he followed my movement and turn sad....
"Allah's will sis, he knows why this happened" he whispered to me and i nod....
"Yeah, you are alive and that's all that matters, right?" He asked and i nod again.... i looked at snow white, she looked pale, and the bandage wrapping around her whole head is haunting me.....
"What happened to her?" I asked and Scott gave me a sad smile...
"2 broken ribs, punctured lungs and she was bleeding internally in the head" he said and smiled at her...
"She is a fighter, she flat lined twice" he said and i sob....
"Am sorry" i said quietly....
"What are you sorry for?" Scott asked scolding me...
"God i wish i could have do something to stop them" i said...
"The best you could do was stay alive and you did, that is fine by us" Scott added and i laughed....
"He abandoned us" i whispered...
"I have know mohammad for years and i have never seen him break down like he did the day you were found....... He walked to me after leaving the hospital and told me to take care of you, he doesn't deserve the 2 of you" scott said shaking his head....
" he haven't been eating ilham, he won't say a word, he is locked up in your room and ammal can't even seem to talk him out" he said and i sobbed....
"Why us?, we were happy" i sobbed and hydar squeezed my hand....
"No soul will be tested more than they can bear ilham, you are strong and as much as i want to beat the hell out of mohammad his daughter need you, i am not saying you have to stay in this marriage, if you want out then so be it, but you know, marriage is more than just running away, you have to face it head on, obstacle and all" he said and i smiled.... I can't leave mohammad, he lied to me, he lied to my family, they didn't know the truth yet and it will stay that way.....
"it was just a kidnap"i said trying to get what hydar know....
"We don't know that, may be it because of his reputation or something" he said and i sigh, i looked at Scott, he wasn't looking at me but he was smiling....
"When will she be up?" I asked just as the door open and Abdul walk in, he looked tired and he was sulking...
"Hey babe" i said and he looked at me with a sad eyes...
"You don't get to scare the shit out of me and then hey babe me, do you know how scary it was, i asked you to say away from him but you wouldn't listen, i tried to keep you away, from all this...... I was so scared, you look dead......" His voice cracked as he glared at the floor...
"Am sorry" i whispered and he glared at me before walking out of the room.....

Mrs. Moha: All He Needs And More ✅☑✔ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now