Chapter 34

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If I got a dollar for not updating I would be the richest person.

PS:- Please don't kill me.

Oh and also this is short but fun.


Remus wakes up to a hand smoothing his hairs. He opens his eyes and it's his mother, bending over his head. She looked like a divine soul with all the sunlight sparkling up her blonde hair and her blue eyes, coming from the window behind her.

She notices Remus is awake and smiles slightly. "Wake up sleepy head, it's morning." He hugs her tightly and gets out of the bed.

As he reaches the table he notices that everything on the table was his favorite. And in between the food platters was a basket full of chocolates. (Sounds like my dream Land)

He jumps and grabs a chocolate bar from the basket and munches on it. "Mmhmm this is what heaven feels like!"

"Hey Remus can I ask you a question? I'm just a bit curious."

Remus nods "Yeah sure!"

"If chocolate is poison to dogs, and you are a werewolf, does it poison you too?"

Remus chokes on the chocolate.

While her mother yelled "Blimey! Is all the chocolate you ate over life taking effect?"

"NO MOM! It's you who is taking effect! Who talks about chocolate poisoning when the person is eating a chocolate!"

"Can I say me?"


"I see. But is it really wrong to ask it?"

"No Mom, asking someone if the food will kill them while they are eating it is not wrong at all."

"Why did you make it such a big deal then?"

Remus just gave her a 'are you kidding me' look.

"OH! I see, sarcasm."

"You are getting old."

"Middle age, son mine. Comes to us all."
[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *cough* *cough* A bit of reference for ya all]

"I reckon we should end this discussion and head to the mall as you promised."

Hope stands up and pumps her fist in the air "YAAASSSS!"

Remus just smiles and shakes his head and gets up, and both of them head to their room to get changed.

As they reach the mall, the excitement for Remus just keeps on increasing, his smile keeps on getting wider. It's been so long since they last went outside together, he just clings to his mother's hand and hugs her as the Taxi reaches their destination.

The get off the taxi and do a rock paper scissors to weather go to a clothing shop first or a bakery, and Hope won so they go the clothing store.

"For Merlin's sake mom just pick one!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't do this see the black one makes my legs look longer but the red one is more festive. I don't know what to do!"

"These are socks mom SOCKS! What does it even matter!"

"Oh shut your mouth, you don't know anything about socks." She waves him dismissively.

"We've been looking at them for half an hour. I could have written an entire thesis about them if I had a quill and parchment."

She comes towards Remus and hugs her. "Oh honey we call it pen and paper, try and act a bit normal, eh?" [See this what a hug full of sarcasm is like, now you see where Remus got his sarcasm from?]

Remus just sighs in the response. "Mom take the red one, it's Christmas" he said in a monotone.

She just nods and picks up both of them. And Remus is left with his mouth hanging, "You could have done that ages ago and saved us all a lot of time!"

"Yeah I know but where's the fun in that?"

After billing for two pairs of socks, a few sweaters, some Christmas gifts and about a dozen of chocolates. Remus and Hope went to look for a Cafe. Remus was filled of happiness upto the brim. His mother was everything to him and he laughed all the day long, the day couldn't have been better.

"So Remus did you find anyone at school?"

"Yeah I made a few friends an—"

"Oh please! Stop beating around the bush, you know what I mean."

"There might be someone."

"What's his name?" Hope says sipping her cinnamon tea.

"His?" Remus was left baffled. She knew? How did she know? I have never even pointed in that direction ever.

"I am your mother, don't you think I would have known? Also you were always too sweet to be straight anyway."

"That's stereotypical."

"A bit maybe. I always wanted a gay son. It is just so much better than a straight son. I mean, no hate to people having straight children, I have made my peace with the fact that straight people exist a long time ago. But they just don't know how much they are missing not trying the same gender as theirs."

"Mom you are straight."

"I am Bi."

And once again Remus chokes, this time on his hot chocolate.

"yOu'Re Bi????"

"I am sorry did I stutter?"

"When were you planning to come out to me?"

"Well I did tell you when you were a baby but I think you didn't get me."

"I think that might have something to do with me being an infant."

"Oh yeah, probably." She says and Remus just laughs. I mean what the hell was even going on today? The made literally no sense whatsoever.

"Oh you know when I was in high school there was this girl Liza and we were very good friends, so when we acted a bit gay together people just ignored us on the basis of being British and close friends. But OH Lord she was so fun! I still miss her." She says with the click of her tongue. Then she gives Remus a your turn look.

"Okay so there is this guy, we share our dormitory together and he's really sweet and all. Also his hair, OH My Merlin—" and Remus droned into night and they just talked about everything. Bursting of laughter after a few intervals when something funny came up.

This was the best night Remus could hope for and he didn't want it to end but it was getting late and they finally decided to get going, because the home won't walk to them, there was not enough space for it to walk not that it was also impossible for it to, but you get the point.

They finally got a taxi and headed back home.


Okay so this was short but fun. Hope y'all liked it. And also liked hope. She's pretty cool ain't she?
I'll try to update more often but sorry for inconvenience.

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