Chapter 29

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"Hey Lily can we talk. Please!" Lily looks up from the book she was reading she sees Remus's eyes they were tinkling from the the tears which were threatening to fall out.

Lily gasps "Sure Remus, umm, wh-what happened? Are you okay?" she said and Remus shook his head.

"It's just, it's been a very bad full moon, I need to sort out my problems, for the next full moon, or it might be worse and I might die, can you help me?"

Remus sat down Lily shifted her chair closer to him. "You want to talk about what problems? Trust me, I promise I will help you in every possible way" She squeezed his hands reassuringly "I think you might hate me after I tell you" Remus said, his voice shaking.

"I can never hate you must stop acting like that, tell me what is it?"

"I want to be with Sirius" he blurted out.

Lily's jaw dropped, and she gave Remus a bone cracking hug. She was so happy that these two were walking down that road now.

"Oh my Merlin, Remus, I am so happy for you, so what is the problem?" Lily asked. He was stunned by Lily being so excited about it, but even that didn't make him happy. He filled her in about the events of Sirius's birthday, and what the freaked-out Sirius said the next day.

Lily grinned like a maniac when he mentioned about the kiss, and frowned when he told Sirius emphasizing not being gay, and ignoring him. Finally, after a few moments of silence Lily spoke. "Come with me I want you to meet someone."


They both walked to the other end of the library, sitting next to the window was a Second year Ravenclaw.
"Hey Jake!" Lily said approaching the Ravenclaw.

"Lily!" He said, he stood up and gave her a hug.

"Jacob, I want you to meet my friend, Remus, here." Lily said pointing to him. Remus held out his hand and Jacob shook it, a firm, yet friendly handshake.

Jacob was a couple inches taller than Remus, he had the brightest bluest eyes and perfect blonde hair. He had a really handsome face. Hot! Remus thought.

"Jake, I want to pull a favor."

"Yeah, whatever ask away." Jacob said sitting down and pointing them to take the seats. They sat down and Lily launched into the story. He felt a bit uneasy, but he trusted Lily.

"Cool! So Remus, are you gay or pan?" Jacob asked after the story ended.

"I-I don't know."

"You like this Sirius guy?"

"M-maybe." Remus blushed.

"Oh please, you are blushing, now as you said, Sirius initiated, that means there's no chance of him being straight, what you need young man is you both confirming your sexuality, and him being a bit jealous." Jacob confirmed.

Remus was so flabbergasted he couldn't speak a thing. He now understood what the word speechless truly meant.

"That's why I brought him to you Jacob. Help him out please." Lily pleaded.

"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine Lil, and this one's gonna be my boyfriend, though I must admit, he is cute." Jacob said smirking.

"Boyfriend!?" Remus whisper-yelled.

"Yes, I will be dating you till the end of the session, I guess by then Sirius will realize, if he gets it earlier, even better."

"No!" Remus was now the color of a beetroot.

"Yes!" Lily and Jacob said in unison.
"C'mon Remus don't you trust me?" Lily gave him the pleading puppy eyed look.

"I trust you! But I barely know him."
Remus spoke.

"C'mon Lily give us some time alone."

"Sure!" Lily smiled and patted on Remus's shoulder. "It's the best way." She muttered in his ear.

"So you said you don't know me, c'mon let's get to know each other." Jacob said leaning back in the chair.

"You are kidding me right? I mean you don't know me either, how are you willing to date me?" Remus said.

"Oh I know a lot about you, Lily and I together did the research of you being a werewolf-" when he saw Remus paling he quickly added. "- it's okay, you know, wizarding world is full of prejudice, it was very rough for me too, coming out gay you know."

"You k-know?" Remus asked shaking, he couldn't simply wrap his mind around the idea of a person knowing what a monster he was and still agreeing to be in a relationship with him.

"Yes. Now Remus let's talk."

After what seemed like a few seconds, but was long enough that there was only an hour left for curfew, they thought of leaving.

"Remus, you have to tell them today, we must have as much time on our hands as we can get, come out to your friends, just friends for now, and tell them you are dating me, promise me you will do it tonight." Remus nodded. Jacob took his face in his hands and placed a kiss on his lips. "We are dating now, it's a goodbye kiss." And kissed him more confidently, which Remus returned.

Jacob tasted like vanilla and peppermint, maybe getting to Sirius will be a fun ride. Jacob stood to walk away, but Remus stopped him, "Hey, can I have one more Goodbye kiss?" Jacob was grinning ear-to-ear.

He pulled Remus close and but a hand around his neck and a hand on his back, he brought his face to meet his, and their lips met, a tingling sensation went down Remus's spine, he leaned into the kiss, enclosing the space between them. Jacob nibbled on his lower lip and with a hug, walked away.


"Where in Merlin's armpit's name were you?" Sirius jumped on Remus the moment he entered. "Lily told me you came back from your mother's place this afternoon, where were you all the time, you missed dinner?"

Remus opened his mouth and closed it again. You have to tell them right now Remus, we need as much time as we can get on our hand. The only thought that was going on in his mind.

"Remus! Remus! REMUS!" James's voice pulled Remus out of his daze. Remus let out a sigh and sat on his bed. He had to do it right now.

"I have to tell you guys something." Remus said looking at his shoes. "I... Umm... " Remus sighed.

"What? C'mon, say, speak up, what is it?" Sirius said impatiently.

"I am not straight, I don't know if I am Gay or Bisexual, but I am not straight, and I am dating someone." Remus said meeting there eyes at last. "I thought you should know."

James pumped his fist in the air and hooted. "Woohoo! Yes finally a gay friend. It's in my bucket list you know." He then gave him a firm-tight hug. Peter clapped. "Who are you dating?" James asked.

"Jacob Raymonds"

"The second year Ravenclaw?"


He looked around, Peter and James were very happy, but Sirius, his face was plastered with hurt and shock. When he saw Remus smiling and looking at him, he set his jaw in anger and walked out, his eyes glistening with tears, he slammed the gate after him. "What happened to him?" Peter asked.

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