Chapter 25

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"Look what they wrote on my invitation, Ahem, 'The heir of the Moste Ancient and Nobel House of Black, and the first Gryffindor of the family'" Sirius snickered. "This is exactly what my mother will say when she'll lock me in the cellar."

"Mine says    'The son of head Auror and creater of sleekeazy Potion, and the best Gryffindor Quidditch tryout of all'" James puffed "You see, the best tryout" and grinned.

Remus rolled his eyes and said in a monotone '"The son of Lyall Lupin who gave the werewolf restriction act, and connected with Newt Scamander'"

The jaw dropped of both, James and Sirius.

"You know Newt Scamander?" James shrieked.

"The Newt Scamander, the one who wrote Fantastic Beasts and where to find them?"

"The one and only" Remus confirmed.

"Can we meet him?" Both James and Sirius said in unison, there eyes wide.

Remus laughed "Yeah sure, He is coming over in summer to umm- observe something, you can join, I will owl you"

"Great, we will be there, by the way, not to offend you or anything Remus, but I just don't like the werewolf restriction act your father gave, I mean the werewolves are only a wolf for one day, for the rest of the month they are humans just like us." Sirius said.

James agreed with him. "I know right, it's  like everyone is prejudiced against them, I want a werewolf friend, I bet they are kind"

Remus stung with tears, at least someone didn't consider him a monster. At that moment he wanted to tell everything but he didn't. Sirius looked at Remus and saw him on the verge of crying and panicked.

"Oh Merlin Remus, I am so sorry, I apologise, I didn't mean to offend you"

Remus just embraced him and James in a tight hug. "You didn't." Is all he whispered.


They were already approaching Slughorn's office and the sounds of laughter, music, and loud conversation were growing louder with every step they took.

Whether it had been built that way, or because he had used magical trickery to make it so, Slughorn's office was much larger than the usual teacher's study. The ceiling and walls had been draped with emerald, crimson, and gold hangings, so that it looked as though they were all inside a vast tent.

The room was crowded and stuffy and bathed in the red light cast by an ornate golden lamp dangling from the center of the ceiling in which real fairies were fluttering, each a brilliant speck of light.

Loud singing accompanied by what sounded like mandolins issued from a distant corner; a haze of pipe smokehung over several elderly warlocks deep in conversation, and a number of house-elves were negotiating their way squeakily through the forest of knees, obscured by the heavy silver platters of food they were bearing, so that they looked like little roving tables.

James, Sirius and Remus looked around and grinned at the food, James pulled out the mirror and showed Peter around.

"The food looks delicious, bring me two of everything" was the only thing Peter said and cared about. Remus grinned and Sirius slapped his head. While James snickered.

Slughorn approached the three of them and James quickly shoved the mirror in his pocket.

"I am glad you could make it." Slughorn's voice boomed.

"Oh please Professor, the pleasure is all ours" Remus said politely and James and Sirius nodded.

"Help yourself with the food, and join us over there" Slughorn said pointing towards the fire place. The three nodded in response.

Near the blueberry muffins, James could see a girl, in Yellow floral sundress, her red hairs falling in locks over her shoulders and her emerald green eyes shining and reflecting the light as she was picking up the muffin.

"Evans" James breathed, Remus and Sirius both followed his gaze and snickered. Sirius muttered whipped under his breath and James glared at him.

He made his way to Lily and picked a mint muffin. "Good Evening Evans" James sing-songed.

Lily rolled her eyes "Bugger off Potter!" She started munching on her muffin.

"You look really pretty today, instead of Lily you look like a Sunflower" James said.

Lily chocked on her muffin and started laughing, she was joined by wheezing Sirius and Remus, "Carry on James, this will be the worst pick up line in the history" Sirius said. Lily Hi-fived him.

Lily's dress⬇️

James glared at him and looking offended he started walking away

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James glared at him and looking offended he started walking away.

"Oh, come on Potter, tell me how else I look like, do I look like just a Sunflower or a Sunflower with a Honey bee near it?" Lily called after him laughing. When he didn't turn she went to him.

"Oh c'mon Potter, don't look angry, c'mon let's get you another muffin." Lily said and dragged James towards the muffin.

She shifted a bit and stood near the green Slytherin banner. "Now Potter, do I look like a Sunflower with Leaves?"

"Pfft... She does know how to roast you mate" Remus said. James again tried to get angry but his lips twitched, and he broke into a grin.

Lily laughed and shook her head, she took one more blueberry muffin and walked to Slughorn.

"Oh Merlin's soggy Y fronts, Siri see CHOCOLATES!!!"  Remus shrieked. James and Sirius started laughing, and Remus dazed and walked towards the land of Chocolates,his true love.

"Aha, here are omelets and sausages" with that James and Sirius started eating and when they were done, they went to find Remus, which wasn't hard, he was still eating chocolates.

"C'mon now let's stuff two of everything for Pete in this bag, it's got expandable charm " and then they stuffed everything except chocolates, because there weren't any left.

"Slughorn is that way, he told us to come to him after we had our dinner, as they walked towards Slughorn, Slughorn got up and started chatting with the group about, his connections, of how he knows some people in every department and how this group helps the students, how they are the chosen ones from the school and Blah, Blah, Blah... Which was drowned by Sirius and James both.

Remus and Lily both looked like, they could take notes of whatever Slughorn was saying at the moment, if handed a parchment and Quill. James and Sirius sighed and rolled there eyes at both of them, and waited for it to end.

Sirius would easily put Slughorn on the second no. Of his list of People who can make even an insomniac sleep after seven cups of coffee, cause of course the first place was taken by Binns.

And then finally it ended.

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