Chapter 2

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On the other side of the barrier, a scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven o’clock. Lily looked behind her and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. They had made it to the platform! Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every color shimmied here and there between their legs. Owls hooted to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks.

"Here we are..." Mia announces. Evans' look around their pupil dilated in excitement, so as to capture everything they could see.

"So Gregory you are a muggle, what do you do sir?" Fleamont asks.

"Oh yeah, well yes, I am the head manager of a cutlery set manufacturing company... We make cutlery with machines" he adds seeing the confused look on Fleamont's face "…And what do you do Fleamont?"

"Oh well I work for my family business of sleekeazy Potion... It tames and styles your hair. It's actually ironical that my own son has the most messiest hair. He won't let me touch it, says it looks cool..." He says laughing "... You know what try the Potion it is magical your wife will love it" He says handling him a bottle of the Potion. And yells "Okay kids better get on the train before it leaves, c'mon now!"

The kids bade goodbye to their parents and Mia gives James a bone crushing hug "Okay mom, you... gotta let me... breath" he says breathlessly still watching over to fiery red hair girl. Mia sees where he is looking and speaks "Okay smitten kitten, hop on the train now..."

"I am not SMITTEN!"

"Yes right, you aren't..." She replies snickering

" Oh mom, stop it, I am going." With that he turns on his heels and moves towards the train.

"...BE GOOD AND MAMMA LOVES YOU..." She shouts after him.
He waves and gets on the train. He searched the train for an empty compartment. The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. He pressed on through the crowd until he found an empty compartment near the end of the train.

With that he hopped on the train and sat on the bench looking out of the window seeing his mom shaking her head and laughing at something his father said who seems to laughing so hard at his ownself. He smiles at this and thinks about the beautiful red haired girl, Lily. Merlin she was beautiful like Aphrodite. Suddenly he is drawn out of his daydream as the door of the compartment opens and there stands a darkly handsome boy with fair skin, long, lustrous black hair, striking grey eyes, and an air of "casual elegance". This vestige of aristocratic beauty is apparently an attribute passed down through the Black Family.

He pushes his head through the door and asks "Is this seat taken? Can I sit here?"

"Nope, get in"

"Thanks" with that he gets in and sits opposite to James pressing his back to the window.

"I am James Potter by the way," James speaks in an effort to start a conversation.

" Oh, Yeah, Hello James, I am Sirius, Sirius Black" the boy says.

James' eyes widen "Blimey, you are Sirius BLACK? And I thought you looked normal"

Sirius laughs at his expression and speaks "Unfortunately Yes. I am Sirius Black. Well don't worry I am not like my parents. Instead I am getting a feeling that I am soon going to be disowned for not being a pure-blood maniac, ah, well please don't kick me out of the compartment!" He says and gives a very dramatic expression of begging.

James laughs and says "Oh Merlin, I am pretty sure that's not how  Blacks are... You might really be disowned. Well I don't reckon I am going to kick you out from here, but I reckon I really got a mate at Hogwarts"

Sirius's eyes twinkle at the word mate cause after all James was his first friend, and he grins at James. With that he says "What a wonderful mate I have got there, giving me hope of being disowned from my family." He laughs and as they both were laughing the compartment gate opens again.

There stands a tall lean boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a pale face with a few fading scars. There are a few grey hairs as well. But despite all this he looks a very intelligent, calm, tolerant, fair-minded, brave, and good-natured person. With a soft but content smile on his face. Behind him stands a short plum boy with grubby skin, small watery eyes, pointed nose and mousy brown hair, with abnormally large teeth.

"Would you mind if I and this guy sit here, it's all full everywhere actually" he says pointing to the shorter boy.

"Nope not a deal, in you get, this compartment belongs to everyone till we have space and we don't kick you out of here" Sirius answers grinning and motions towards the seat next to him. James grins at his answer. The tall boy laughs and sits next to Sirius and the plum boy sits next to James.
"Thanks mate. I am Remus John Lupin by the way" He says shaking hands with James and Sirius and the Plum boy.

"And who is he?" James asks pointing at the short plum boy.

"I have no idea" Remus laughs shaking his head and Sirius grins seeing Remus laugh.

"I... I am Peter... Peter Pettigrew" he answers in a squeaky voice.

"Oh hello Peter, I am James Potter everyone"

"Yeah other THREE everyone, I am Sirius Black" Sirius teases James.
Everyone laughs and Remus even snorts a bit. Remus speaks "Are you sure you are a Black, you don't reckon they have adopted you or something, well even that is unlikely to see: The Black Family adopt a child"

" Ah well, I am due to be disowned by them anytime soon" Remus captures a glint of sadness in Sirius's eyes even when he says it all laughing and glances at James and notices that he has noticed it too. James captures his eyes and nods and turns back to Sirius.

"Well, have you guys thought about which house you are going to be in?" Remus says in an effort to change the topic.

" Oh I want to be in Gryffindor,where dwells the brave, you know what screw it, you are looking at a future Gryffindor's best Quidditch player" James answers and puffs his chest with pride.

"Oh Merlin's soggy Y fronts, I thought you were normal. How are you going to get into the castle with that big ego?" Sirius asks and gestures walking through an invisible door and not fitting through it. Everyone wheezes of laughing.

"You hurt me mate" James stabs himself with an invisible knife through the heart.

" Not a chance, the knife ain't going through that big ego. Even a Cannon would just dent it." Sirius replies matter-of-factly.

"I want to be in Ravenclaw. They have a library in the common room" Remus says.

"I want to be an Hufflepuff. They are kind."Peter adds.

"Blimey am I the only one sane here? I will set a filibuster in the Library and Hufflepuff!? Hufflepuffs are as dumb as floberworms. But good like niffler to find something. I'll take you Peter if I ever went to treasure hunt" Sirius says.

"Which house do you want Sirius?"
James asks with challenge in his eyes.
"Anything but Slytherin, my whole family is related to Salazar Slytherin, and has been in Slytherin forever. Like ever forever. Except for my cousin Andromeda. Oh I preach her but she is just a Hufflepuff. I wish I could be in Gryffindor. Aha, the look on my parents face. I am pretty sure I will be blasted straight off the family tree" Sirius says with a bit of hatred in his voice.

"Well you know what I want to be in Gryffindor too... It sounds great doesn't it?"Remus says just to avoid the beginning of an uncomfortable silence.

"Yeah... It will be... Great" Peter squeaks so that they would acknowledge that he is still there.
And they spend the rest of the time laughing and discussing about how the Gryffindor will be graced to have them, About Quidditch and sharing candies and chocolate frogs bought from the trolley lady. It turns out that Remus has a never ending void in him for chocolates.

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