Chapter 9

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After the class was over with turning a mice into a Snufflebox. The Marauders and Lily walked out of the classroom.

"Blimey! I can't believe I got homework cause I couldn't transfigure a mouse into a stupid box, that is not... Fair" Peter said while running to catch up with the others.

"You've got a natural talent for transfiguration, haven't you James" Remus clapped James's back and James puffed up with pride.

"I can't believe you are boasting his ego, as if there is a need to do that" Sirius said while laughing. And James hit him with the transfiguration book in his hand.

"Don't you reckon Sirius that we should go to the dorms and fetch you some clothes?" Remus asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, it's fun this way, plus the next is potions and we are sharing that class with Slytherins, I don't think we should be late, anyway where do you reckon is the classroom" Sirius spun around to as if the classroom door just appeared somewhere around them.

"As if you care about being late Siri, anyway I think we should ask someone..." Remus looked around to find someone but then Lily spoke up.
"It's down in the dungeons... The stairs near the Great Hall to the corridor in front of us, third room in the corridor"

"Thanks Lily" Remus smiled that kind smile and Sirius gawked at him.
"Alright, Evans?" James asked grinning.

"Mind you own business, Potter" she snapped and turned to leave past them.

"What did I do?" James whined.

" Might watch the tone there mate, you sounded like you were trying to make fun of her" Remus shrugged.

"But I wasn't"James said

"I know mate" Sirius replied and patted him with a sympathetically. And the moved down the stairs to the dungeons.

The Dungeon Corridor is a long, gloomy stone corridor that leads from the narrow spiral staircase, coming down from the Viaduct Entrance Staircases, to the staircase leading down to the blank stone wall which is the entrance to the Slytherin Dungeon. The Potions Classroom, and possibly Professor Slughorn's office, are along the corridor.

They enter the Potions classroom. Most of the class is already there. The moment they enter every eye turns in their direction. Which more likely can be said that in Sirius's direction . Remus blushes a bit but Sirius walks in with his head held high, like he doesn't give a damn that he is just in his robe. Severus nudges Lily who is sitting right next to him.

"Why is he naked?"

"Ah, he said he isn't naked he has his shorts underneath " Lily shrugged.

Severus raises his eyebrows at him thinking-what kind of guy replies with he has his shorts underneath.
But then he is Sirius Black the aristocracy in his blood makes whatever he does right.

He is the same person who didn't stop his mother when she blasted her own sister out of the family tree(not that he was born at that time, but even if he was he wasn't going to stop her ) just because she married a muggle,not that he supports her mother's decision for marrying a Mudblood but he feels bad at her condition, and a bit angry for making him a half Blood.

But it's not the same, his mother is a loyal servent of the Dark Lord, And he is still a half Blood Prince. He is forced out of his thoughts with Sirius's voice.

"What there Snivellus, haven't seen a sexy guy before" Sirius grinned.

The Slytherin girls giggled and he saw that even Lily blushed a bit. Which wasn't much noticable.

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