Chapter 11

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McGonagall leads him to his next class. Which is History of Magic. Sirius had heard about this class, that it is actually taught by a ghost, who died sleeping next to fire in the staffroom and woke up the next morning, to teach, leaving his body behind.

Students said that he has the caliber to kill a person of boredom, and might be the reason he died. McGonagall stopped in front of the gate and ushered him in.

In the classroom, all the other students were already seated and he sat next to James. The professor didn't even seem to notice that he entered, not that he noticed he was gone. Well he hasn't noticed that he is dead, so it does makes sense.

The Professor, Professor Binns, as being a ghost, was ancient looking and shrivelled, and looked a little like an old tortoise when he pursed his lips. He wore glasses, which were small and thick, and had a dry, reedy voice that sounded a lot like an old vacuum cleaner, droning on and on, when he finally, actually spoke, which Sirius thought wasn't going to happen, since 5 minutes passed in utter silence.

"So class, I am Professor Binns, your History of Magic teacher. I would like to pass on to you something my dad told me. You're welcome. As my father always used to say, zzzzzz... Now we may start with our lecture." He said drawing some pages in front of him.

"What did he even mean, zzzzzz... Who the hell says something like this, it doesn't even make any sense" James said.

"Today we will study about Gargoyle strike of 1911" Binns said adjusting his glasses.

"Okay, now I have seen everything in my life, never did I think I'd see a ghost adjusting his glasses" James said laughing and shaking his head.

"...during the wildcat Gargoyle Strike of 1911, the wildcats were winning when..."

Professor Binns opened his notes and began to read in a flat drone like an old vacuum cleaner until nearly everyone in the class was in a deep stupor, occasionally coming round long enough to copy down a name or date, then falling asleep again. Sirius was dozing off and James felt his head jerking in an effort to keep awake.

Only Remus an Lily were making notes, of Merlin knows what, James had tuned him out after 1 sentence.

Peter went as far as drooling now.

Eventually James gave up and slept.
After some time, Professor Binns paused again, pursing his lips, looking like a wrinkled old tortoise.

"Okay students, the class is over, you may see yourself out" With that Binns sat on his chair.

Lily saw both James and Sirius sleeping in front of tlher, and Remus trying to wake Peter up. At least someone in the class was awake Lily thought and shook James and Sirius both, to wake them up.

"Wake up, Potter, Sirius, we have herbology next" Lily said. They didn't even move so Lily hit them with book on their heads.

"Ow, Evans what was that for, it did hurt" James said rubbing his head. Lily shrugged and answered "Well it was the only way you were going to wake up, bit effective isn't it? Anyway we have herbology with Hufflepuff next, might wake up a bit, eh?"

James stood up and pushed Sirius out of the door, who still didn't seem to recover from his sleeping-a-moment-ago state.

They were down next to the Greenhouse No. 4 where their classes were going to be held. They enter the Greenhouse, inside stood a squat little witch with short, grey, wavy hair. She wore a patched and battered hat. Her clothes covered in dirt and earth, as were her dirty fingernails.

She had a smile on her face. Along her stood 2 Hufflepuff students. Both boys, sadly Hufflepuff got the least number of students, only 2 boys and no Girl.

"Okay class, I am your Herbology teacher Professor Pomona Sprout"

She glanced around the class and said "Ah, never in my life I thought, that I will have a total of seven students in TWO houses. I mean Hufflepuff takes everyone and still there are only two students, only TWO" she said shaking her head.

"Anyway I am going to pair you up...
So, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black you both pair up." Sprout declared.
"Aha, pair me up baby!" Sirius said dancing a bit and Remus turned red.

"James Potter and Lily Evans, you both pair up" Sprout said. Both James and Lily groaned while James pretended to be annoyed, Lily was actually annoyed, or so she thought. Sirius gave James a wink.

"Peter Pettigrew and Mundungus Fletcher, you both will be together and Edgar Bones you'll work with me"

Mundungus was a short wizard with bandy legs and long, straggly ginger hair.He had bloodshot baggy brown eyes and his hands were quite grubby.

Edgar Bones was a square-jawed wizard with close-cropped grey hair and a monocle. This gave him an appearance of being a serious person, he also had a loud, booming voice for a kid.

"Okay so today we will be learning about the Bouncing Bulb, A Bouncing Bulb is a magical plant which jumps around if it is not restrained. Bouncing Bulbs' main stem is a disproportionate purple bulb, with a bunch of leaves growing on the top. Young Bouncing Bulbs are small enough to handle, but mature ones can reach the size of doorways, now you can control them with a simple Knock-back Jinx and the really mature ones with Fire-Making Spell. Now I have very ickle little wee ones here so you can control them with your bare hands, so get started" With that Professor Sprout ended and within a moment Remus, Lily and Edgar ended with taking notes while Sirius and James were passing notes in the form of jumping frogs, and stopped doing so when Lily cleared her throat.

Lily and James were taming their Bouncing Bulbs, when one of the Bouncing Bulbs wriggled free from James's grip and smacked him hard in the face. Lily wheezed off laughing so hard that she had to clutch her side.

"What is so funny about it, I just got hurt!" James said offended.

"Oh it's so funny, an ickle little bulb got through your such a big ego and smacked you" Lily said laughing.

James looked offended and set his Jaw and got back to work. He tried his best to look offended, and was pretty successful, while he was grinning on the inside at laughing Lily.

"Hey c'mon, Potter don't go so shady, it was funny" Lily said brushing his arms. James jerked his head.

"Aw, c'mon, hey look I am sorry" and Lily pouted her lips in a comical but cute way.

James laughed "Yeah, whatever, can't get mad on that look now can I?, You are so cute Lily"

Lily blushed but said "Oh Bugger off, Potter" and started working.

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