Chapter 23

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"Hey Lily" Remus said walking up to the seat in library where Lily sat.

"Hey Remus, you need the History of Magic notes right?" Lily looked up and with a bow and a polite smile turned to him.Remus nodded.

Lily reached to parchments under the third book on the library table and pulled it out.
"Here you go. Go through it once right now and ask me if you have any questions."

Remus smiled at her and took the notes. He stood there looking at her, shifting on his feet.
Lily sensed his gaze and turned up to face him.
"What happened?"

"Umm... Nothing... It's just Lily that you are in my spot" Remus said smiling.

Lily laughed and turned to her books but Remus was still standing there. Lily looked at him and hooked up her eyebrow.

"I'm serious you are in my spot" Remus shrugged.
"You are kidding me right?"

"No! You see, this chair is the most perfectly balanced chair in here. And this place has the best lighting, see it casts no shadow of the shelves and your hands on the book. Also it's neither dark, nor bright. You see it's the most perfect place in library also it's the most quite one too. Peaceful! By the way come to think of it, this place has the most soothing smell. This wood is the most freshest smelling wood and the books on the shelf are quite old, and hence the smell of parchments." Remus explained.

Lily listened to him, her jaw dropped. "I got it. You need this seat. It's fine I'll just shift to the next seat. Blimey Remus who thinks so much about the library seat." Lily shifted to the next seat shaking her head. Remus grinned at her and sat on his spot.

"By the way Remus, I have these invitations, for you 'The son of Lyall Lupin who gave the werewolf restriction act, and connected with Newt Scamander', Potter 'The son of head Auror and creater of sleekeazy Potion, and the best Gryffindor Quidditch tryout of all' and Sirius 'The heir of the Moste Ancient and Nobel House of Black, and the first Gryffindor of the family', these are for the post Hallowe'en Slughorn's Slug club party." Lily said handing him the invitations to the three of them.

" No Merlin! No! I am not going to any Slughorn's party. Tell him I died before you could hand me these" Remus said pushing the invitations back to Lily.

"By the way he also told me to tell you that there will be chocolate, omelets and sausages in the party. Along with butterbeer." Lily said rolling her eyes. Remus snatched the invitations back.

"Umm... You know what, it will be rude to reject like that. I guess I will see to it" Remus said.
"Uh huh"

And then, here there was the time for Marauders's inbuilt I didn't-do-anything wide eyes and that I-don't-know-what-you-are-talking-about innocent smile.

Lily sighed and muttered something under her breath which sounded a lot like And they say Potter and Sirius are the worst.


Remus enters the dorm and is greeted by a flying James landing on his side on the floor.

"What on Earth was that?" Remus shrieked and closed the door behind him.

He saw Sirius sitting on the bed levitating a potato over head. Wait a minute, A Potato!? Peter was grinning and watching excitedly sitting on his bed and James standing up again to launch himself on the poor potato.
"Hey Rey, wanna watch James catch a flying Potato snitch?" Sirius said grinning his mischievous grin.

"Why in Merlin's name are you trying to catch a potato when you can simply see that Sirius is gonna move it at the end moment?" Remus asked James.

"Oi! Sirius! Is that why I can't catch it?" James asked Sirius angrily. Who replied with a grin.

Remus rolled his eyes "Not that bright, now are you?" He sat on his bed and put his parchments on the night stand.

"Anyway now will anyone tell me why the snitch is a potato?" Remus asked confused.

"You know what they say, muggles I mean, 'po-ta-to, po-tah-to, what's the difference' so snitch or potato, what the difference?" James replied.
Remus looked around perplexed but only met with a firmly nodding Peter and Sirius.

Remus face-palmed himself. "Oh Merlin! I've had enough! That's it, now kill me I cannot take these stupid band of baboons any longer" And threw up his hands, towards the sky.
He then turned towards James "That's not what they mean you idiot! You know what forget it, Floberworm can outsmart you three." Remus said pushing himself backwards on the bed.

Seeing that Sirius and others were being called a band of baboons Sirius changed the topic.

"When do you blokes have your birthdays?"
"27th March" James said.
"4th May" Peter added excitedly.
"10th March." Remus said in a monotonous voice.

"I am oldest amongst us, 3rd November" Sirius said grinning.
"Hey, that's close Siri." Remus said sitting up.
"I know!"

"Anyway James and Sirius both of you are invited to tomorrow's Slughorn's post Hallowe'en Party."
"I am not coming"
"Nor am I"
"He's got sausages and omelets" Remus said nonchalantly
"It's rude to reject though"
"Yeah I guess we'll give it a thought"

Sirius and James took the invitations. Remus grinned at both of them.
"You all at least got invitations, look at me, I got none" Peter said, his voice was showing that he was really hurt.

"You know what Pete, you can come with me as my date" Sirius offered.
"I. Don't. Wanna Be Your Date." Peter yelled.

"Oh poor poor Pete, you know you can't get enough with this sexy body." Sirius said standing up pointing at himself and swaying his body. Then he walked over to Peter and swung himself on his bed. Peter abruptly stood up and walked over to Remus, hiding himself behind him.

"Oh c'mon Siri, don't torture the poor bloke." Remus said laughing.
"He is in love with me," Sirius said pouting his lips "he just won't admit"
"No I am not." Peter squeaked.
"Go find someone else Siri" Remus said waving Pete away saying that Sirius won't do it again.

Peter went to his bed and Sirius stood up. But he didn't go to his bed, instead he went to Remus's bed, sat on his lap and snaked his arms around his neck.
"Would you be my date Rey?"
Remus was blushing inside but outside, he was fully composed. He rolled his eyes.
"Get off me Siri, and find someone else." He pushed Sirius from him.
Sirius pouted "You won't get anyone better."
"I don't care. Bye"

With that Sirius turned to James and grinned.
"Oh Merlin, No! Sirius I won't be your date. You know what Pete, keep one of the mirror, we will show you the whole party and bring you food. That solves everything." James said.
Sirius acted to look offended, and went back to his bed.

"How many cups of coffee did you give him, James?" Remus asked pointing at Sirius.
"He had seven."
"Ah, well that explains everything. Hyperactive this one gets after only one cup." Remus said shaking his head.

"Let's go to the common room, we can have a match 'Sirius versus Remus' of wizarding chess" Peter said.
"Oh you are ON baby!" Sirius said grinning at Remus. Who was replied with a grin from Remus.

James looked at them and smirked, he knew that this game was never going to end.
"But what are we going to do with the potato?" James asked as if he really cared about the poor potato, and was not the one launching himself on the top of it.

"Whoever wins gets to throw the potato on the losers head" Sirius said.
"We've got a deal then" Remus said grinning at Sirius.

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