Chapter 19

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The next few days passed in a blur. Nothing much happened. It was Saturday and James was up at six. For Merlin's sake, who gets up at six on Saturday. Weekends are lie-in days. Or at least that's what Sirius Black thought.

"Oh my Merlin, it's so bloody early in the morning that it's almost night you git, let me sleep and pull down these curtains, oof there is so much light." Sirius said in a grumpy voice. Putting his pillow over his eyes to block the sun rays coming from the window.

"I am going for the tryouts of Gryffindor Quidditch team, so pull your bloody arse out of the bed and cheer for me from the stands" James answered.

"That bloody Preston will be the death of us" Sirius muttered under his breath but woke up, he knew he could not push James away for much time.

"Okay lads! Let's go downstairs. Rey drag Pete down, will you?" James said and dragged Sirius with him. Remus gave a sigh and dragged the plum boy with him.

Downstairs Lily was with Alice, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary and they were making their way out of the portrait hole.

"Good morning, Evans" James sing-songed.

Lily annoyingly rolled her eyes "What Potter?"

"Can't I even wish you morning?"

"You can"

"Then? Good morning Evans" he sing-songed again.

"Morning, Potter" Lily finally gave in.

"Are you coming to see me tryout?"
James asked with a cheeky grin.

"No Potter. Besides you cannot tryout, you are a first year" Lily said in a duh-why-isn't-it-obvious voice.

"I know, Preston said there is no harm in coming to tryout if I want to. I can't make it in the team but I can tryout" Now it was James's turn to reply in a duh-how-are-you-so-stupid voice.

Lily glared at him and replied "Well I am going to go to see Quidditch tryouts, because Alice and Dorcas asked us to tag along. Don't get your ego bigger. It might cause some problem for you to take off" with that she turned on her heals and went out.

"Well for this early in the morning, she does know how to roast you, eh?" Sirius grinned but was interrupted by his yawn. James rolled his eyes and pulled him out the portrait hole.

Down in the Quidditch pitch, there were a lot of Gryffindors, some in stands and a lot on the field. James took a school broom from the broomshed and walked to the people there for the tryouts. Remus, Sirius and Peter walked to the stands.

Surprisingly they were joined by Fabian and Gideon Prewett.
Remus looked at them confused and asked.

"Aren't you going to tryout? You were the beaters last year"

"Yeah we know..."
"...We are taking a break from Quidditch" Gideon completed.
Remus nodded and looked at the field.

"Okay fellas, we are going to hold the tryouts, if you were a player we had last year doesn't mean you have guaranteed a spot. If you are good you'll make it. If there is someone better, well then, I'm sorry" Preston said with tapping his broomstick and foot on the ground.

"Okay, so first we will see for the position of keeper..."

A few people came forward. Preston threw quaffles 7 times at every person who tried and nodded at them.

"Next for seeker..." James and a few others stepped forward this time.

"Can I try for two positions?" James asked Preston.

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