Chapter 5

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And the sorting hat begins to sing:

Here I am the sorting Hat,
To sort you in your houses.
Put me on your head and I'll divide you,
To the houses you belong in.
But keep it in your mind,
I only divide you on the basis of what's dominant in your heart,
But all of you are same.
The four founders divided for who they wanted to teach,
But the goal was same.
They wanted to teach the students,
And you want to learn.
The houses don't divide,
As my dirty business is misunderstood.
But the houses are to unite you in the family you all fit in,
The houses help you be categorize to help the others for what you are better in.
Now enough of my babbling blubbering,
Let's get the sorting begin.

If you are brave and chivalrous,
The Gordic Gryffindor calls you.
If you are kind and loyal,
Then Helga Hufflepuff.
If you are smart and witty,
Go with Rowena Ravenclaw.
If cunning and ambitious,
You will be with Salazar Slytherin.
Now put me on your head and let me tell you with whom you belong with,
My song is over,
So you can put some applause in.

With that the Great Hall burst into applause. There was also hooting from the Gryffindor side. James grinned at the site. Professor McGonagall now stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment.

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,” she said. “Aubrey, Bertram"
A tanned guy, with brown hair stepped forward, he walked as if his legs were made of lead, the moment he sat and the hat touched his head.

The hat yelled. "RAVENCLAW"

He breathed deeply and dashed happily towards the Ravenclaw table.
"Damnit! they are are sorting by last names... Soon it will be my turn" Just as Sirius said that, McGonagall yelled "Black, Sirius" he gave James a I told you look and sat on the stool.

"Ah, another Black, another Slytherin!" the hat said the moment the hat was placed on his head.

"Don't you dare put me in Slytherin" Sirius hissed.

"Why not? You have the potential"

"I don't"

"You do"

"I DON'T!" he shouted at the hat. Cause one thing he was certain about was that no one could hear him.

"Listen you old rubbish hat, if you put me in Slytherin, I'll burn you down. Okay!?"

"Ooh Fiesty, then here you go..." The brim opened and the hat yelled


Sirius stood up from the stool and pumped his fist in the air and hooted, he then turned to the hat and kissed it's top.

"I love you my hat"

"Yeah, Yeah, I know now run along" the brim of the hat said.

James, Remus, Peter and the whole Gryffindor table burst in laughter. Even the other houses and teachers were smirking on this, not just that even McGonagall's lips twitched a bit. Sirius ran to the Gryffindor table and then jumped to sit on the bench.

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