Chapter 27

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"Jamesss!" Remus whispered.

"Remusss!" James whispered back
L teasingly. Remus hooked up his eyebrows in a seriously-is-this-the-time? way.

"Sorry Rey, speak up." James said jumping on his bed. Remus looked around to see if any other Marauder was there. James grinned. "They are not here, Sirius has gone to kitchen with Peter."

"Oh Great" Remus said in relief sitting next to James.

"Do you know what is next Wednesday?" Remus asked.

"Uh... Umm, Wednesday"James replied unsure what was next Wednesday. Remus face-palmed himself.

"3rd November?" James said still unsure.

"It's Sirius's birthday you Idiot!" Remus hissed.

"Oh!" James said and stared at Remus grinning. Remus gave him a what? look and James shaked his head, the corners of his mouth still twitching with suppressed grin.

"What do you think I should gift him?" Remus said, and hastily added "y-you guys are my f-first f-friends just that's why." James nodded, trying very hard not to laugh.

"Beginning of the Blupin" James murmured under his breath.

"What?" Remus said confused.

"Talk mister Lupin" James corrected him self and gave an innocent smile.

"Do you have any gift ideas?" Remus said.

"Gift him something musical or anything, that idiot keeps on humming in the classes, sometimes I want to throw a bloody hippogriff on his head."

"Yeah you are right, I should give him a music box or something, what do you say?" Remus said.

"Cool, ask Evans, she might know some cool muggle places where you can get those small music boxes."
"Yeah right!" Remus nodded.


Remus walked to the library and saw Lily sitting next to his spot. He walked to Lily and watched for Madam Pince.
"Lilyyy!" He whispered as he sat down.

"Remusss" Lily whispered back teasingly. Remus rolled his eyes at how similar both James and Lily reacted. Lily grinned at him, "Oh c'mon now speak up."

"You are a muggle born"

"Well noticed."

"So you know about all those muggle shops"

"I kinda knew about that, but it's okay, you can remind me." Lily said flipping the page of her book.

"So do you know shops which sell all those music boxes and stuff"

"Apparently." Lily said nodding.

"So do you have some sort of brochures or anything which I can browse through so that I can buy it?" Remus asked uncertainly.

"Yeah I have some back in my room." You know what, I need some parchments too, just wait a minute here, I'll be back in no time with both of them." Lily said. Remus nodded and Lily walked out.

True to her words, Lily came back with some musical box brochures. She handed him the brochures.
"Lucky for you I like music." Lily said and Remus nodded thankfully.

"So what do you want it for?"

"Umm, it's just you know, it's Sirius's birthday next Wednesday, so umm, I've never actually have had friends because of my, uh, condition—" Lily nodded. "—so I asked James, what should I give Siri for gift, and he said that during the whole class he keeps on humming so I thought why wouldn't I give him a music box." Remus said. "I want to give him a perfect gift, you know..." Lily smirked "cause he is my first friend" remus added hastily.

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