Chapter 28

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Remus wakes up in the morning of 3rd November, sun shining, birds chirping, Aha, what a day. Dude, it's winter, the back of his mind reminded. Yeah whatever. He shrugged. Are you kidding me, you stupid, why the hell are you shrugging at yourself, facepalm yourself. And he did, what the hell am I doing? He let out a groan, clearly frustrated, and embarrassed by face-palming himself on the word of his brain, on the top of it, about an argument he was having with his brain. Wow Remus way to go mate. He rolled his eyes.

He jumped on Sirius's bed. "Wakey, Wakey Siri!"

"Oh for gods sake, Rey get the hell out of here!" And he pushed him out of the bed. Remus landed with a thump, on the floor, and crossed his hand across his chest.

Sirius opened his one eye, and saw Remus's face, he gave him a loop-sided grin. He tapped the space of his bed, and gestured him to come up.

"Happy Birthday, Siri!"Remus sing-songed.

Sirius sat up so abruptly, he gave himself a head rush. "Ouch, wait a minute, yeah okay I'm fine now! You REMEMBERED!"

"Yes apparently I did. C'mon open the presents!"

"Shh! James and Pete are sleeping! You know what, let's take your present to the common room, and open it." Sirius suggested. Remus grinned and nodded in affirmation, he picked up his present.

They made it down to the common room and sat on the couch three seater couch crossing legs and facing each other. Remus handed him his present. It was packed in a sky blue paper, on which the clouds changed shape and moved.

"Merlin, Rey, it's heavy." Sirius said. He opened the box cautiously, so as to not tear the packing. Inside was a very beautiful silver and gold music box. Sirius gasped and opened it, a very sweet melody started playing, the interior had black background and the stars dancing in the middle, 'orion constellation'.

"Oh my Merlin! Remus, what..." Sirius's voice trailed off.

Remus's expression changed from happy to panicked. "I'm sorry, Sirius, if you don't like it. I thought you would. I..."

Remiss was cut off with Sirius's lips crashing with his. At first he was shocked, but as soon as he realized, he kissed him back. The kiss was tender and sweet. The perfect thank you. Remus laid back on  the couch with Sirius kissing his mouth. After a moment, Sirius broke away.

"Well I assume you liked the present." Remiss said grinning.

"I hope the return gift was good enough." Sirius returned the grin.


"James will get mad if he knew we opened the present without him, let's pack it back." Sirius stated. Remus nodded and packed it back up.
They made their way back up.


In the morning when James and Peter woke up, they opened all the presents. Sirius didn't know he would even get present, but he got so many. He got the best Honeyduke's chocolate  box from Peter, a very new wizarding chess board  from James, a muggle band 'The Beatles' shirt from Lily, some chocolates from Frank, exploding snap cards from Bilius and his friends, a Bertie Bott's every flavor beans Extreme from Arthur. A star pendant from Andromeda, and a new flying broomstick from his uncle Alphard, the only uncle of his who cared if he was alive. He also got a quill set from his brother Regulus, he didn't expect anyone from his family to send a gift, but of course, Regulus was his brother, and there was still time for him to be ruined like his parents.

James transfigured a piece of paper as a crown with red gems and a box as a 'Happy Birthday Sirius!' banner. Sirius wore the crown and both James and Remus picked him up on his shoulder. Behind them Peter marched with the banner. Sirius didn't walk a step whole day. He was carried everywhere.

It was simply the best day of his life. The second he entered the portrait hole, the common room burst into a shout of 'Happy Birthday Sirius' there was cake and butterbeer and a lot of music to dance on. Even for a moment, the grin didn't subside from Sirius's face. He wanted this moment to go on forever, he wanted to live like this for eternity. But the moment did end.


The next morning it dawned on him, what he did yesterday. The chant went on his mind. Merlin, I kissed Remus? This cannot be it. His family was homophobic. They have killed people for smaller reasons than being gay. If they knew he was gay. He didn't even want to imagine the consequences. He shuddered inwards.

He cornered Remus the next morning.
"Merlin, Rey, what have I done!" Sirius shrieked in panic.

"What happened Siri?" Remus asked concerned.

"I kissed you!" Sirius said "I am not gay! My family will kill me!"

Remus expression changed to hurt, but he quickly masked it up that Sirius thought he imagined it.

"It's okay Sirius, it was in the moment, it didn't mean anything." Remus said, more meaning to himself than to Sirius. Sirius nodded.

"Right it didn't mean anything."
Even after saying that, Sirius started ignoring him in the classes. He didn't sit next to Remus in Great Hall for even food.

Sirius thought it was good for both of them that he maintained his distance, but little did he know what effect it was having on the wolf inside Remus. The wolf was becoming more feral and more violent. Dangerous. And the next full moon proved so.

He was in such a bad condition after the full moon that Madam Pomfrey had to keep Remus for a whole week. She advised Remus to solve whatever issue he is having, depression and sadness will only make the wolf worse. Even though it was an advice, the way Madam Pomfrey said, the anger and hurt her voice held, when she yelled this at Remus, it was more like an order. Remus gulped in terror when he recalled the face of Madam Pomfrey.

He had to get this stuff solved. And only one person he could trust this with. Lily. He marched straight to the Library.

Hogwarts Marauders [Year 1] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora