Chapter 8

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The boys wake up in the morning with Remus yelling at them.

"Get up you bloody idiots, we only have 20 minutes to get to our class."

"Just 5 more minutes, please Remus" James  seemed to be groaning in the muffled sound from the pillow.

"You have been having your just 5 minutes for the past 1 hour, you don't even know where the class room is and you say 5 more minutes? WAKE UP!" Remus was shouting now.

"Oh Rey, leave it at Bay, let us sleep hey..." Sirius said sleepily.

"Okay, that might be the worst poetry I've ever heard in my life, and trust me I've heard really bad ones too..." Remus continued pointing his wand at Sirius's face "... Wake up Sirius don't make me use my wand"

Sirius grinned "Try me!"

"Aguamenti" Remus off-handedly and Sirius was soaked in water.

"Hippogriff's ear feather Rey, this is the first class we'll have and look at this one, running around hexing people, oh my— MY HAIR!? THEY ARE   SOAKED, YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS MR. LUPIN" Sirius got up to run after Remus but slipped on the water on the floor with a loud thump.

Remus laughed so hard at this that he had to clutch his stomach. And sprayed the other two with water too.
"What the— what did you do that for." Said the water soaked James and looked at Sirius with confusion
"Why the hell are you lying on the goddamn floor!?"

"I fell you barning idiot"Sirius spat "All because of this stupid arse soaked me in water and I got up and slipped and here I am, HAVING THIS BLOODY CONVERSATION WITH YOU!, I hate you Rey"

"Oh I love you too, thank you. Now get up we have classes and the first one is with McGonagall she will skin us alive if we are late"Remus said. James couldn't help but notice that Sirius turned a bit red when Remus said he loved him.

"Well we can't go there like this, dripping water all the way" James said pointing to his condition.

"Oh c'mon what are you kids?" Remus said. "Fervens Aeris"

With that, a blow of hot air came from Remus's wand and dried all three.

"Woah, you are genius" Peter said in awe. While the others were awestruck too. Remus shrugged but had a smile on his face.

"We only have 10 minutes LEFT! Now move your bloody arse!" Remus shoved them and Sirius swung his hips.

"What... What are you... Doing!?" Remus asked. His eyes were about to bulge out.

"Moving my Bloody arse" Sirius said.
Remus face-palmed himself and showed him out the dormitory.

As they were running down the staircases James was putting on his robes over his pajamas and shirt and trying to fix his tie. On the other hand at least Peter was ready to attend a lecture in full uniform. While Sirius was—

"For Merlin's sake, where are your clothes Sirius?" Remus asked

"Oh I did not realize until now that I'm naked. At least I have my shorts on..."Sirius answered cooly as if it's normal to go to your classes in just shorts.

"Oh Sirius, I feel like your mother right now..." Remus undid his robes and handed it to Sirius. " have it at least I have the rest of my uniform on"

Sirius smiled and took the robe "You are not my mother, she is a very bad person, while you are good through and through." He did his robe and stood on the tip toes and kissed Remus's cheek and ran further down the stairs faster. Remus turned red.

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