Chapter 40 (Rewritten)

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It was evening. I was standing in our room facing Hud. The nerves were all over me. He noticed my trembling hand and took them in his.

I looked up at him and tried to reason."Can't we just simply run away without doing this? "

"We have gone through this Noor."He said." They need to believe me as dead to serve the ties completely. After my fake death, Everything will be in chaos. A new head would be needed. They will be surely handling it and in mean time we will erase all our traces. Remember."

"I know." I took a deep breath. "I just have bad feeling about it."

"We have came a long way Love. We can't back up now." He voiced the undeniable. I felt pressured by him even through it was for our own good.

"I know." My reply came out soft.

"Then chin up and show me the lawyer that I met in Zakariya's office." He said as he pulled my chin up.

He moulded his lips with mine after saying. "I have faith in you."

I was standing in front of police station. The drive felt long. The mantra that I can do this and everything will be alright was going round and round in my head.

I went in straight and asked for detective Jones. They took me to a room. I found detective Jones sitting there in a chair. The room was a normal investigation room with grey walls and table in between two chair.

I took a seat opposite to him. "Good evening Mr's Khan. Are you ready?"

The bad feeling was still in my gut. I don't why but everything in me screamed to run away from here. Maybe it was the hormones or something else. I was getting emotional. I didn't even need to act because I already felt a lump in my throat.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I couldn't tell if the next words that came out of his mouth were out of pure formality or out of deep hidden guilt. I just know that they did.

"Are you sure want to do this Mrs.Khan?" The detective asked me The concern in his voice was evident.

"We can find another way that doesn't involves you." He further added. Through all our previous meeting. I could say that Detective Jones wasn't a bad man whatever reason he had for doing this. I know it would be a serious one.

"It is the only way." I gave him the file that will change our entire life.

"Does it contains all things needed." He inquired.

"Yes it does." I replied back withholding my tears.

"Its must be difficult for you." He gave me a pitiful stare.

"It wasn't never meant to be easy." I said in hushed voice.

"Then why did you help us?" He again questioned me.

"I had to it for our unborn child and for him too." I said while placing my right hand on my belly.

He looked closely at me and made a promise. "He won't be able to harm you. You have our full protection"

"He will never harm me. He will cut his hands before they harm me" I replied back with fierceness in my voice.

"Can I use the washroom before the recording." I said after some minutes passed.

"Yes you can." The detective replied back in gentle voice.

I got out of the interrogation room into the corridor. I walked some steps and at end of corridor there was a ladies washroom and I entered in.

I look at my self in mirror. My eyes were red bloodshot. My belly was swollen with our baby. I looked pale. I felt tears spilling from my eyes. I cried silently. My throat chocked up with effort to stop crying.

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