Chapter 13 (Rewritten)

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It was Eid. I was waiting for Hudhayfah to pick me. I was dressed in casual but still elegant clothes.

I got a text on my phone which informed me about his arrival. I had packed a small suitcase for my stay .It was 7:00 in morning. The party was in evening but we were going early.

Arish was asleep in backseat. I was also sleepy due to late night work. Hudhayfah was also dressed casually.

"You look sleepy." He said while driving the car.

"Yes, Had to work." A yawn escaped my mouth I covered it with my hand.

"Make yourself comfortable and sleep." He demanded like usual.

"What about you?" I looked at him.

"You aren't going to be able to help me. You know that." He was right. I couldn't drive.

"But surely I can keep you some company." I laid my head on seat and turned on the radio.

"The night we met." by Lord Huron started playing.

"Just sleep love." He said softly."

I will be fine." He assured me.

I was too tired to even argue so I just complied with his demand. I was asleep in no time with Lord Huron voice singing.

Few hours later

I felt someone above me trailing their finger on my cheek and I snuggled in that hand. The hand was really warm.

"Wake up love.We are here." I heard a voice in distance. I didn't want to open my eyes so I just gave "Hmm."

"Love." The hand now started stroking my cheek.

I opened my eyes reluctantly and looked at Hudayfah. His face was so close that I could feel his breath.

"Where is Arish?" I rubbed my eyes.

"He is already in there. I was waiting for you to wake up. You needed to sleep." He explained me.

"Thank you." I started to get up but he was above me so I stopped and pushed myself back on seat to put some distance.

"We should head in." He didn't even budge and just moved a hair tendril behind my ear that escaped my bun.

"Hudayfah." I bit my lip nervously.

His eyes were on my lips a dark gaze in his eyes. He clenched his jaws and moved back. I didn't notice when he got out and opened the door for me.

We walked in and Aunt Sara welcomed us warmly. I again followed her as she led me upstairs to a room.

"Make yourself comfortable. This is your room. If you need anything let me know." She told me sweetly.

"Sure Auntie. Do you need some help?" I asked her.

"You get freshen up and yes, today I am in severe need of help." She told me teasingly.

"I will be down there in no time." I replied back.

The room was good. I found my suitcase already in room. I knew it was Hudayfah who placed it in here as I saw him carrying it. I already called home and wished my parrents on Eid before leaving so I had nothing to do.

I freshened myself and I went to kitchen and started helping.I  wasn't great cook but I was doing fine.We easily fell into a conversation while working.

She was very fun to talk for her age. She told me about several Hudyfah's childhood incident. She told me that their parents disowned Hudayfah's mother for marrying someone out of religion but she still remained in contact with her older sister.

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