Chapter 23 (Rewritten)

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We were in the car going to manor. It was located at outskirts of London. We passed a lot of green land. It was a bit weird for to be this away from city. We were in front of a large black gate. Abram estate with bold letter was written on the gate. The gate was opened for us without any security check.

"So your surname is Abram." I kept looking out of the window. We were passing thought a narrow road. The road opened into a grey brick castle looking house. In front of it was garden.

"Yes, from my father side but I choose Khan as my surname. It will remain so forever." We got out of the car.

There was a fountain in front of castle. It was made of black marble stones. There was a Jesus sculpture at the top of fountain around it the water was gushing.

"My family is a bit religious." He told me while taking my hand in his.

I raised my eyebrows at him like questioning the phrase just a bit. He just smiled at my expression. "Let's get you meet the staff."

We entered in the house. At first I noticed a line of staff. The women were wearing long black skirt white shirts and men were wearing black pants and white shirts. I noticed a hijabi in between them and I smiled at her. She was a old lady. I presumed that she was the cook. When later on Hud made introductions, my guess was right. At the end, He introduced me to butler whose name was Edmond.

"Come on." We walked to an elevator and then we were going up.

"How many floors are here?" I asked him.

"Two." He answered me.

We got out of the elevator. We walked in the corridor. He opened a door and let me in. It was master bedroom. Red silk curtain were draped with walls being black grey. A king size bed was at center which also had red sheets. The bed had old look with red net hanging from pilers. There was a balcony at one end of room. A fireplace in front of bed. There was book shelves at the both side of fireplace.

"This is our room." He led me to the balcony. I could see the front gate and garden from here.

"I have some work and I will be in my office downstairs. Edmond will help you in a tour of this place." That said he gave me kiss on my lips before Edmond entered in.

"And love, I will see you at eight tonight for dinner. Surprise me with a nice dress." He gave me mischievous smile and left the room.

"Mam, Should we continue the tour." He asked me politely. He was old with gray black hairs. He had a white shirt and black suit.

"Sure." I smiled back.

We started the tour. We were first touring the second floor. He started explaining. "This is your private floor. No one have the permission to come here unless, You or sir gave them."

He walked me toward one of four room and opened the door. There was an Italian red colour piano at the centre and he pointed to other three room that "These room are for your   children."

"When was this built?" I asked him.

"It was in mid of nineteenth century." He told me. Then he took me to the end of corridor. He opened the glass door. There was a big balcony which overlooked the back site of estate. There was a swimming pool.

He then took me downstairs without using elevator. While we we were going thought stairs. I saw some family paintings on the wall by the stairs. "These are the generation Abram family who lived here." He explained to me.

At the end there were two family portraits which both consisted of same man with grey eyes. Which looked very similar to Hud eyes but with different women. The first picture had a women with red hair and a two or three years old child with black hair but sapphire green eyes same as the women.

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