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Elliot walked back down the hall and to where Olivia was laying in her hospital bed with Ainsley in her arms. She took a moment to look up from her daughter and at Elliot.

"Sorry to have scared you. But come over here and see this cutie." Olivia smiled before she looked down at her daughter again before gently caressing her cheek. Elliot walked over and sat beside Olivia, before leaning close and kissing her several times. He was in tears as he leaned back and looked at Olivia. He was scared to death that she was going to die, but now he was sitting here with her and their baby.

"What happened?" Elliot asked, as he gently caressed Ainsley's hair.

"I guess the placenta was lower than it was supposed to be and it became partially detached. But they stopped the bleeding and saved me. I'm just so thankful that Ainsley was already here before the bleeding got worse. I don't think I'd be able to make it through losing her." Olivia replied quietly, before looking at Elliot and smiling softly.

"I'm gonna cry, Olivia. Like, I can't stop myself. I love you and Ainsley so much. I can't believe what has happened today." Elliot spoke, before resting his head against Olivia's shoulder and started to sob. Olivia reached up and gently caressed his cheek as she held Ainsley with her other arm.

"I know that today was scary, baby... but it will just get better. Just us and our girls. Our beautiful girls." Olivia spoke, as Elliot continued to cry.

"I just can't lose you again."

"And you won't. I promise."


It wasn't long after Elliot went to see Olivia, that Serena and Sierra joined them. They both wanted to see with their own eyes that Olivia was alive and doing well, and they couldn't wait to meet Ainsley Grace.

"Is it okay if we come in?" Serena asked, after knocking lightly on the door and cracking it open a bit.

"Yeah, c'mere." Olivia smiled, as Elliot climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to wash his face.

"How are you feeling?" Sierra asked, as she walked over to her baby sister and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm doing better than I was. I'm so excited to be holding my baby. Look at her, Mom. She is adorable." Olivia smiled, before passing her daughter to her mother.

Serena held her second granddaughter close and swayed a bit as she walked around the room with a smile on her lips. She looked over at her daughters and saw as they talked quietly and she knew that she was beyond happy. She had her amazing daughters and two amazing granddaughters. She was having a hard time accepting Elliot still, but she did see how much seeing Olivia rushed to the OR had hurt him. She knew that he was in love with her and always would be there for her and their daughters.

"What's up?" Elliot asked once he finally left the bathroom.

"Nothing really. Your girl can't really get up and walk, so we are just chilling. How are you doing, Elliot?" Sierra asked.

"Perfectly fine," Elliot spoke, before clearing his throat and walking over to sit in the chair in the corner.

"He's being incredibly brave during this time. And I'm so very thankful for that." Olivia smiled.

"So, Mom and I had a question for you two," Sierra spoke, without bringing up the fact she could tell Elliot had been crying.

"And what is that?" Olivia asked as she watched her mother pace the room with Ainsley held in her arms.

"Are you going to get married again?" Serena asked, and Olivia looked over at Elliot and examined his face before shrugging.

"I'd like too. I don't know how many times I'll talk about Elliot and call him my husband." Olivia spoke, and Elliot let out a small laugh before running his hands over his hair.

"And I keep saying that she's my wife. It would make more sense since we are pretty much married at this point." Elliot spoke. He reached out as Serena neared him, and she laid Ainsley in his arms.

"Well, if you'd like, we will throw you a wedding. Just with whoever you want there." Serena smiled.

"Thanks, Mom. And thanks, Sierra. But for now, I'd just like to focus on getting better and getting out of here. I want to be able to walk around and also see Adalee. I miss my daughter."

"I can go get her." Sierra offered, but Elliot shook his head.

"That lady there needs her rest. Tomorrow morning I'll go get Adalee and bring her up. But for now, she just needs some quiet time and rest."

"Is that you kicking us out?" Serena laughed.

"No. It's him just wanting some quiet time with me, Ainsley, and himself. When he isn't crying..."


The next morning, Elliot left before Olivia woke up and went to his house. He parked behind his parents' truck before walking up the path and unlocking the front door. He smiled when he saw Adalee playing with her stuffed animals on the living room floor.

"Addie, I have some news to share with you and I have to show you something very amazing." Elliot breathed, and Adalee looked at her father and quickly jumped to her feet before running to him.

"Daddy! Where were you? Where's Momma?!" Adalee exclaimed.

"Momma is at the hospital with Ainsley."

"Still in her belly?" Adalee sighed, as Bernie and Joseph moved from the kitchen.

"No, that's what I need to show you. Here, look." Elliot smiled, as he pulled his phone out and unlocked it. He showed his daughter the many pictures of her baby sister and watched as Adalee's eyes filled with tears and as those tears made their way down her cheeks.

"She's so pretty," Adalee whispered.

"She looks like you, don't you think?" Elliot asked, and Adalee nodded.

"Daddy, when can I meet her? And I want to see Momma. Like, right now." Adalee spoke, as she took the phone and quickly ran it over to her grandparents. Elliot stood and rolled his sleeves up as he smiled.

"How about after breakfast?" Elliot asked, and his daughter squealed her response.

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