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They walked around the base and Elliot told his family about everything. Where they did drills, where they left for special training. Elliot was so proud of what he had learned, and his parents and Olivia could tell that. Elliot held Olivia's hand tightly in his as they walked around, and he kept looking over at her. She was trying to look excited, but she was having a very hard time doing that.

"Uh, you guys should go check out this place some more... can I have some time with Liv?" Elliot asked, and his parents nodded slowly. They joined hands and walked off, while Elliot moved in front of his wife and gently placed his hands to her hips.

"How are you?" Elliot asked, as Olivia reached up and ran her fingers over his shortly cut hair.

"Uh, I'm okay. Just a little overwhelmed." Olivia admitted.

"Why?" Elliot questioned.

"Well, because I'm a Marine wife... tomorrow it will be official. Elliot, this is a lot to take in." Olivia breathed.

"I know it is, but we will figure this all out before you know it." Elliot smiled. He leaned in to kiss her, but Olivia turned her head to the side and Elliot's lips grazed her cheek.

"Elliot, where are we going to live? Because we need to find a place soon." Olivia breathed.

"I know that, Liv," Elliot replied. Olivia looked at him and shook his head.

"No, you don't know that. Elliot, I'm 35 weeks pregnant. That is five weeks before we are going to be parents. Can you really think that we will have a place to stay where we can raise Adalee or at least give her a decent start?" Olivia asked quietly.

"Give me a chance. Babe-"

"No! Don't. Okay? Because I'm scared to death that I'll be doing all of this on my own. It will just be me and Adalee." Olivia whispered.

"It won't be. It will be us three. I promise you that. I will be there for you two. I will tell you that I love you every day." Elliot replied, passionately.

"I want our daughter to know you, but you have to understand that it is a hell of a lot harder for me to really know that it will happen," Olivia spoke.

"I think we should find some lunch..." Elliot trailed off.

"I'm not hungry. I think I'm going back to the hotel." Olivia huffed, before turning and walking away from her husband.


Olivia didn't want to go to the graduation the next morning because it was so hot, but she had to go because it was for her husband. She was giving up everything for the man she loves.

"It's so hot." Olivia groaned, as she and Bernie sat together and waited for Joseph to join them.

"I know. But it's only gonna be an hour long then we can get Elliot and head home."

"I don't think he can go home... I don't know. There is a lot that has to be looked into still."

"I know, but at least we can go back to the hotel. You two can have some time together and Joseph and I are gonna explore." Bernie replied. Olivia nodded slowly as she shifted uncomfortably.

"I just want to be back in Manhattan." Olivia whimpered as tears welled in her eyes. She had felt like crying since she and Elliot had gotten into it last night. She didn't like this at all and wanted to just be in Manhattan even if it meant she'd be raising Adalee alone.

"Honey-" Bernie started, but the tears had started to run down Olivia's cheeks and there was no way in hell that they would stop any time soon. For someone so young, Olivia had a lot on her plate.

Between being married, expecting a baby, and learning that she will be moving far away from her hometown was way too much for her to handle all at once.

"I. Can't. Do. This." Olivia sobbed, as she quickly turned to look at Bernie. Bernie drew Olivia into her arms and held her tightly.

"Don't worry about this all. It will all work out fine. You and Elliot will figure this all out. I promise." Bernie breathed as she rubbed Olivia's back gently. Olivia just shook her head as she continued to sob.

"I can't go to college or do anything I want because I am going to be worrying that my husband is going to die!" Olivia sobbed as Joseph joined them again. Joseph looked at his wife and she frowned deeply before shrugging a bit.

"There is always a chance, but you need to just figure this out with Elliot and then decide what to do from there."

"I wish we never got married." Olivia trailed off as the graduation started.

Bernie nor Joseph knew if they had heard her right, but if they did, they were heartbroken.


After graduation, they decided to just head back to Manhattan for Elliot's ten-day leave. Bernie and Olivia road together, while Elliot and Joseph road together.

"Why didn't Liv want to ride with me?" Elliot questioned.

"She wasn't feeling good. The heat has really gotten to her." Joseph replied.

"Dad, come on. Tell me the truth." Elliot replied as he glanced at his father.

"Elliot, she's taking this really hard. Like incredibly hard. I think she said that she wishes that you two never got married." Joseph replied quietly. Elliot's eyes went wide as he looked over at him.

"I love her, Dad. I want to be with her... I just didn't know that she didn't want to be with me anymore." Elliot whispered. He quickly pulled off onto an exit and his father eyed him.

"What are you doing, Elliot?" Joseph asked.

"I can't drive when I'm crying... I need some time." Elliot whispered.

They got to a truck stop and Elliot quickly got out. He walked away from his car and quickly sank down onto a bench as he started to cry.

It hurt him so much that Olivia wishes that they had never gotten married. He thought that she still loved him, but he realized that maybe he had been seeing things that he wanted to see. He was guessing that maybe Liv was never happy from the start.

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