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Elliot tiptoed into his bedroom where his wife was sleeping. He had gotten in contact with his parents and told them to tell her that his training was going to be a few days longer due to some bad weather that didn't permit them to be outside. It was a lie, just because he wanted to surprise her. He walked over to the bed, but then he stopped and moved over to the bassinet. He reached down and touched Adalee's cheek softly, before leaning down and kissing her forehead. He couldn't believe how big she had gotten, and he couldn't wait to hold her and see if her personality had started to really show. But for now, he only wanted to see his wife.

"Honey." Elliot breathed, as he sank down beside Olivia. He reached out and ran his hand over her cheek and he smiled when she rolled over and drew his hand to her chest and held it there.

He wanted to laugh, but he didn't want to wake her up suddenly.

"Olivia Stabler, it's me. Your husband. The one you haven't seen in two months and three days." Elliot breathed into her ear. She opened her eyes and looked over at him with a confused expression covering her face.

"No. Fucking. Way." She spoke, and Elliot smiled.

"Hey there, pretty lady." He smiled, and Olivia quickly got on top of him and hugged him tightly. Elliot wrapped his arms around her and sat up and just held her close for several long minutes.

"You ass. Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? I would have stayed up all night to be awake when you got home!" Olivia exclaimed, but Elliot just shrugged as Olivia sat back on his legs.

"I wanted to surprise you and Adalee. But she's pretty sleepy and doesn't seem too excited about seeing me." Elliot smiled, and Olivia smacked his chest before leaning forward and kissing him several times. Elliot was expecting for Olivia to be angry at him for leaving, but instead, it seemed like she was so excited and having him back. And he was thankful for that.

"So?" She asked, as she leaned over and flipped on a lamp so she could really make out her husband's face. She wanted to see how he matured while he was at training. 

"So what?" Elliot asked.

"When do you get stationed? Do we get some time here, or where do we go?"

"I have another ten-day break. In a few days, they will tell me where we will be moving. We will either get a house outside of the base until there is an opening, or we will be moving into a house on the base." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

She was surer of that they will be okay now. It was just a lot harder on her when she was thinking about Elliot missing Adalee's birth, but now Elliot managed to be there for her birth and was finally back home, she knew they'd be good.

"Tomorrow I want you to join me and Adalee for lunch with Serena."

"Who?" Elliot asked as he ran his fingers over Olivia's back.

"Serena. My mom." Olivia spoke, and Elliot's eyes went wide.


"She didn't try to kill me. Melanie and Jason have lied to me my whole life. But Serena has been really good to me. She loves Adalee and even my sister does too. We've met up twice since I met Serena, and I'm so thankful for them both."

"You have a sister?" Elliot asked.

"You have missed so much, Mister. Now, shut up and just kiss me. That is all I want right now."


Joseph and Bernie had stayed up until their son had gotten home, and they heard Olivia's reaction to seeing her husband for the first time in two months. So in the morning, it was their time to finally spend time with their son. Elliot was up at 5 and when he came back from his run, his parents were making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hey there, stranger." Bernie smiled, as she walked over to her son. She hugged him tightly even if he was sweaty at the moment.

"Hey, Mom. Thanks for taking such good care of my girls while I was gone." Elliot spoke, as he stepped away from his mother and gave his father a quick hug.

"Olivia took care of herself, mostly. She was withdrawn for a while, but Adalee has really helped her open up. She'll be her saving grace when you are deployed." Bernie breathed, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"It's going to be a hard life for her... well for us. But this is what I want and I want her to be happy."

"Just remember that once you have to reevaluate your contract... do remember that you, Adalee, and Liv can always move back here. And we do want you to visit us when you have a chance. We want to see our granddaughter grow up, and any other possible grandchildren." Bernie spoke, and Elliot smiled as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"Once we have a roof over our head and possibly a three of four-year-old running around, then you'll get more grandchildren. But till then I'm going to go shower and see my wife. Oh, and my amazing little girl."


After Elliot got showered and dressed, he climbed into bed beside his wife and just held her for a while. She woke up and kissed his nose before smiling at him.

"You smell so good. I have to admit that I have sprayed your cologne onto your pillow so I can fall asleep easier." Olivia spoke, and Elliot smiled softly.

"I wish I could have been here. But this was good for me. I've matured considerably." Elliot breathed, before hearing Adalee start to cry. Olivia went to sit up and check on her daughter, but Elliot was quickly climbing out of bed and walking over to the bassinet. He reached in and lifted Adalee up and held her close as he swayed a bit.

"Adalee, I have missed you so freaking much. You are just as cute as when I first laid eyes on you." Elliot whispered.

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