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Amy couldn't have been any angrier with Elliot as she was in that moment. She hated that her fiance once again got his ex pregnant.

"So you cheated on me? You still love her." Amy whispered as tears welled in her eyes.

"Amy... I'm so sorry. She was so stressed out and upset, and it just kinda happened." Elliot replied.

"How did it just kinda happen? Did you get up to leave and slip and fall into her? Elliot, how dare you do this to me... Even after telling me that you didn't want any more kids so I had to give up my wants for you!" Amy sobbed. Olivia looked at them with wide eyes. 

"Did you honestly tell her you didn't want kids? Even after you and I had a kid together?" Olivia asked quickly.

"He's an ass. My mother was right when she said I shouldn't trust him. So, I'm going to get on a plane back to Hawaii. I'll be better off there than here with you." Amy spat. She looked at Elliot for a long moment before looking at Olivia.

"And for you, you are a whore. You slept with my fiance even though you know that he was taken. So fuck off and I hope that everything goes wrong for you." Amy hissed. She stomped off while Olivia turned to walk to her car. Elliot looked between both of them before running over to where Olivia was getting into her car.


"Elliot, you keep fucking everything up. I didn't want to sleep with you, and I never want to sleep with you ever again. You need to make everything up to Amy, and maybe she'll take your sorry ass back, but I really doubt it." Olivia spoke. She walked around and got into the front seat of her car before locking the doors before Elliot could get in.


Joseph and Bernie went to the school to get Adalee, but when they got there Olivia was already getting her daughter into her vehicle.

"Hey, I thought you had to work today," Bernie spoke, as they walked over to them. She gently touched Olivia's shoulder, and she noticed how jumpy Olivia was.

"I did, but I haven't been feeling good so I got out of work early and went home. You two can go home now." Olivia replied.

"Something's wrong. You and I should talk real quick." Bernie spoke, and Olivia was quick to shake her head.

"I'm going to be getting sick in a little bit, so I need to get going so I can be home when it happens," Olivia whispered, as she stepped back and shut the door so that Adalee wouldn't hear much of what was being said.

"Why are you getting sick? If you have the flu-"

"I'm pregnant," Olivia replied, and Joseph and Bernie's eyes went wide.

"We didn't know you were with anyone. Uh, is it serious?" Joseph asked nervously.

"Elliot used me when I was at my weakest. He came over and we talked and fought... then he comforted me... all night long. It's his baby. But he doesn't want this baby. He doesn't want anyone but Amy right now." Olivia breathed.

"Oh, Liv." Bernie frowned.

"So I've gotta figure this all out as soon as possible because I have to tell my boss soon and get put on garage detail." Olivia sighed.

"We will help out as much as you will allow us. Does Addie know that she's going to be a big sister?" Bernie asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"Not yet. Not for a while longer. I just want to make sure that everything is good before telling her... but for now I want to get her home and just spend time with my baby before she isn't the youngest anymore." Olivia whispered. She stepped forward and wrapped an arm around each of them before hugging them as tightly as she could.


Later that night, Olivia laid in her bed with Adalee beside her. Adalee was about to fall asleep, and Olivia was having a hard time not crying at this moment. She was thinking about how when the baby was Adalee's age, that Elliot and she would have been divorced for nearly 9 years. She was going to be alone once again. She wouldn't have Elliot to help her during the late-night feedings or have him be able to go change the baby's diaper while she caught up on some rest.

"Momma, why are you crying?" Adalee questioned, and Olivia wiped a tear from her cheek before shaking her head.

"I'm not crying. My eye is just watery... Close your eyes and get some sleep." Olivia breathed, as she sank down beside her and gently started to rub her daughter's chest. But unlike every other time that Olivia would rub Adalee's chest for her to fall asleep, Adalee was fighting the sleep and only wanted to know why her mother was crying.

"Tell me, Momma," Adalee replied.

"I was going to wait, but I guess you really want to know. Right?"

"Yeah, Momma. Just tell me. Maybe you'll feel better once you tell me." Adalee replied. Olivia nodded slowly before rubbing a tear off her cheek.

"So, there is a baby in my belly. It's really tiny right now, but it'll be here before either of us know it." Olivia breathed.

"A baby? Is it ours?" Adalee asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yup. It'll be living here with us and we will love it so much. Okay? But I'll need your help."

"I'll do anything, Momma! I've always wanted a new baby brother or sister!" Adalee exclaimed. She quickly moved towards her mother and clung to her.

"I'm so sorry, Addie."

"Why are you sorry?" Adalee asked as she looked up at her mother with confusion in her blue eyes.

"Because I can give you another sibling, but I can't give you a father... but you and your sibling have the same Daddy so you'll look alike."

"So Daddy is this baby's Daddy too?"

"Yeah." Olivia squeaked a bit.

"Oh, cool. Uh, is that why you keep getting sick?" Adalee asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, your sibling is really putting me through the wringer. But this is all worth it. Just like when I was sick when I was pregnant with you, it was also worth it."

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