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Olivia was exhausted the next morning. She was having a hard time dealing with the news that Elliot broke to her the night before. She eventually climbed out of bed and went and started the shower before going to grab her uniform from the dryer. She pulled it out and let out a weak sigh when she noticed how wrinkled it was.

"Is this really how my day is gonna go?" Olivia groaned, before tossing the uniform onto the top of the dryer before heading to shower.

Even after ironing her uniform, making breakfast for herself and Adalee, and getting Adalee on the bus her day continued to go pretty badly.


"Are you kidding me?!" Olivia cried, from where she sat in the locker room. Felix quickly came from the garage and to check in on his partner.

"Liv? Are you okay?" Felix questioned, and Olivia looked up at him as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"No. I'm not okay. Today is a fucking horrible day and I feel like I'm going to get sick again."

"Honey, what's happening? Just tell me." Felix replied as he walked over and sank down beside her.

"First of all, Elliot and Amy are back together. He also said he's willing to have kids with her so that she'll stay with him. He will never be telling his kids about their two older siblings or anything from his past. Then I just got a call from my landlord who said that he sold the building and I have to find a new place to stay. I have no idea where I can go. Felix, did I do something to deserve this?" Olivia cried.

"No, you didn't. Days like this just happens. And I'm sure that either Bernie and Joseph or Serena and Sierra will let you guys stay with them."

"But I'm an adult. I'm 23 and I don't want to move back in with my mom and sister, or my ex's parents. Felix, can you help me find a place?" Olivia asked, and Felix nodded.

"And if you need to... you and Adalee can stay with me for a bit. I can put a few sheets up to give you guys some space."

"Thanks, Felix. You are the best." Olivia breathed, as she quickly turned and hugged him tightly. Felix rubbed her back gently until the bell rang.

"Wanna see if someone else wants that?" Felix asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No. I need to focus on something else."


To add to everything, the call was to a school. Adalee's school. When they got there, Felix and Olivia quickly went inside and saw little Adalee sitting in the office with one of the aides.

"Addie? What happened?" Olivia asked, as she quickly walked over and knelt down in front of her daughter.

"Momma! I fell and hurt my arm." Adalee sniffled. Olivia frowned as she looked at her daughter's swollen and bruised arm.

"I think it's broken. Felix, can you go and grab the brace so we can secure her arm for transport?" Olivia questioned, and Felix nodded before leaving the office.

"Ms. Benson, do you want me to ride along with her?" The aide asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"It's okay. I'll just call my inlaws to come to the hospital and meet us there. Thanks for sitting with her." Olivia breathed. The aide left and Olivia looked back at her daughter.

"Momma, make me better." Adalee sniffled.

"Honey, you are being so brave. I'm so proud of you. And I will make sure your arm is all better soon." Olivia spoke. She leaned forward and pressed a small kiss to Adalee's forehead as Felix came back in.

"Here you go, Addie," Felix spoke, as he knelt beside Olivia and started to put the brace on Adalee's arm. She cried out painfully but calmed down once Olivia was carrying her from the school.

"I'm sorry, Momma." Adalee whimpered.

"There is no reason you should apologize. Do you want Papa or Grandma to come to the hospital?" Olivia questioned, already knowing the answer.



It was a very rough day, and after getting off of work because Olivia needed to be with Adalee, Olivia finally had to talk to someone other than Felix about what was happening.

"Joseph?" Olivia questioned, as she sat beside him as they waited for Adalee to be out of the OR with a new bright yellow cast on her arm.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"You know how you told me that if I needed help, I could ask?" Olivia questioned.

"That offer still stands. It will always stand. After what my son did to you, you need someone to help you out." He sighed, as he grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"My landlord sold the building. We have two weeks to get our stuff moved out." Olivia spoke, and Joseph quickly looked over at her.

"What? That's illegal!" He boomed.

"I know, but we can't fight it... I was wondering if-"

"You and Adalee can stay with us as long as you need too," Joseph spoke.

"We won't stay too long. You two already helped me so much when Adalee was a baby... and I don't want to have to put you through that again with this baby." Olivia spoke quietly.

"We never talk to our son. We have completely given up on him because of what he did to you. What he did to Adalee. And what he did to that baby. There will always be a place in our house for you three. And if you need to move in and stay till the baby is older, then that is what has to happen. I don't want you to run yourself ragged while you try to find a new apartment and take care of yourself and Adalee. You need to also make sure that you are taking good care of yourself and not overdoing it."

"Is this you telling me to go on garage detail?" Olivia questioned, as she looked over at him and smiled.

"For the sake of you and my grandchild," Joseph spoke. Olivia nodded before leaning over and kissing his cheek gently.

"Thank you so much, Joseph. I can never pay you and Bernie back for all the help you have down for me and my children."

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