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Bernie heard the fight that Olivia and Elliot were having upstairs. She listened and felt so much anger towards her son. She was wondering why he didn't remember who his wife is. How he thought that Olivia would really go cheat on him with some random man while he was doing training. Bernie kept holding onto Adalee when Olivia came downstairs. 

"Is everything okay, Liv?" Bernie asked, and Olivia looked at her and shook her head.

"No. Nothing is okay anymore. I'm taking Adalee and going to stay somewhere else tonight. I can't be here with him staying in the same house. He is an absolute dick, and I wish before that I would have noticed that this all was a mistake." Olivia spat. She stepped forward and took her daughter from Bernie before going into the living room and starting to pack up the stuff that Bernie had used for Adalee today.

Bernie watched as she packed up, but didn't stop her. She was hoping that a night away from each other would help their relationship instead of ruining it more.


Serena had just gotten home for a half shift when she heard the knock on her front door. She quickly moved from her bedroom and walked to the front door. She opened it quickly and saw Olivia standing there with Adalee crying in her carrier.


"Elliot and I got into a fight." Olivia hiccupped, and Serena nodded before stepping out of the way of her daughter.

"It's okay, honey. Come in. Tell me all about it." Serena replied.

She let Olivia get Adalee calmed down before they sat down and started to talk about what had happened.

"You didn't cheat on him, right?" Serena asked, and Olivia was quick to shake her head.

"I would never cheat on my husband! I take those vows very seriously! He is the only man I want to be with, but only as long as he isn't a dick anymore!" Olivia cried.

"Did you tell him that?"

"I would never be able to tell him enough times that I have been loyal to him. That I have never slept around on him. That I am completely devoted to him and Adalee." Olivia whimpered. She ran her hands over her face before feeling her mother wrap her arms around her body.

Serena drew Olivia close as she rubbed her back gently.

"He'll realize eventually, Liv. He'll get his head out of his ass and realize that you would never do what you had accused you of doing."

"What if he starts asking if Adalee is really his daughter? Will this be his go-to excuse for being an ass to me? Accusing me of sleeping around just to make him look better?" Olivia whimpered, as she continued to cling to her mother.

"Then maybe it isn't meant to be. But you and Elliot both need to give this marriage your all, because you have a daughter. Adalee needs you both. And if you break up and you move back home, then you'll need to figure out how to both be involved in her life." Serena spoke. She laid a pillow on her lap and Olivia laid her head on it. Serena ran her fingers through her daughter's hair as she shushed her.

Tears were still running down Olivia's cheeks, and now it was just a waiting game to see if Olivia would cry herself to sleep.


Elliot was still packing up his stuff when his father got home. Joseph made his way upstairs to try and find Adalee, but then he stopped in the doorway of the room and saw all of the boxes.

"You got your placement." Joseph breathed.

"Hawaii. I'm moving, don't know about my wife and kid yet." Elliot replied. He was still so pissed off, but as soon as those words left his mouth he regretted it. His father was very protective of Olivia and Adalee, and any words that could mean that Elliot planned on leaving his wife and daughter, were dangerous words to say in front of Joseph.

"Boy, you better not be thinking about leaving your family behind. You better be packing up their stuff too, because you aren't leaving your wife and daughter here while you are in Hawaii. And you better keep it in your pants and not hurt Olivia." Joseph boomed. Elliot rolled his eyes as he tucked a few more of Olivia's books into a box. If she didn't go with him, then she'd have to get new stuff.

"Olivia cheated on me, Dad. I know she did. She slept with some guy while I was gone, and now she's lying to me about it. So don't stand up for her. Stand up for me." Elliot sighed. He was so done with Olivia being the perfect person in his parents' eyes.

"Why the hell would she sleep with another guy? For some reason, she loves you, even if you are a piece of shit sometimes. You are rude, inappropriate, and your head is so far up your ass it isn't even funny." Joseph spat.

"SHE CHEATED ON ME! I KNOW IT!" Elliot yelled, which brought his mother up to his room. She was in tears because she hated fighting, and now she had to tell Elliot that Olivia took Adalee and left.

Either for the night or for good. She didn't know yet.

"Stop fighting!" She cried, and Joseph stepped back and wrapped his arm around his wife and drew her close.

"He's leaving. For Hawaii. And it sounds like he wants to leave his wife and baby here. So either talk some sense into him, or he's out tonight. I won't be letting our son disrespect the woman who has been completely faithful to him while he was gone." Joseph growled. He left the room and headed to the kitchen to get drunk.

Bernie wiped tears from her cheeks before looking at her son.

"Olivia left." Bernie breathed, and Elliot spun around and looked at his mother.

"What? She took my daughter-"

"She took the daughter you two have together because she nurses her! And because you don't believe her when she tells you the truth! Olivia has borne her soul to me, and she has never cheated on you. She has never wanted to cheat on you. She loves you, and she is so broken by this. Disgusted by you. So figure this out, because you will be leaving soon. And you will not make it through your contract without your wife and daughter by your side."

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